Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"Lace?" Owen whispers as soon as he sees me. He has fresh tears falling from his eyes.

I am placed on the ground and I stand still frozen. Owen walks towards me and I can't help but shrink into myself. I'm scared of everyone. I bury my face into Aspen's chest and he wraps his arms gently around me protectively.

"Lacey. I'm not going to hurt you and you know that." He cries.

I know. I do know that but my body says different. He goes to hug me again and this time I force myself to let him. His arms wrap around my wounds tight and I wince. He doesn't let go though. He cries into my shoulder and his body shakes with his sobs.

His grip stays just as tight and I almost cry of the pain.

"Owen. Please let go... I-I'm h-hurt." I whimper. He immediately lets go and I can feel the blood coming out of my fresh open wound.

"Where? What did they do to you? I'll kill them." He looks so broken and raged. Nothing would calm him now.

"I don't want to talk about it." I whisper. He looks even more angry.

My parents have tears pouring out of their eyes and look at me as if I'm an untamed animal. They are scared of me. They don't want me anymore.

"Tell me Lacey." He demands. I use Aspen as my shield and hide behind him.

"She will when she is ready Owen. We just rescued her yesterday. You have to realize things are going to be different. Those monsters hurt her and left a shell. She just has to find her way back. Those people will never get to her again. I promise." Aspen says speaking clear and strong. His voice holds power and demand.

"Okay.." Owen mumbles and sits on the couch.

"I'll take her upstairs to rest and meet you guys back here in a bit." Aspen says holding my hand.

"We love you honey." My mother cries. My heart breaks to know I put them through this. They didn't do anything to me yet my body doesn't want anyone but Aspen.

He carries me upstairs and lays me in bed. He tucks me in and starts to walk away but something in me calls out for him. I grab his hand and he looks at me in an emotion I can't detect.

"Thank you." I mumble before closing my eyes and letting sleep take me. The last thing I hear is "always my mate."

Aspen's POV

"Why is she afraid of me?! I didn't hurt her! I have been searching for her and trying everything to save her but that doesn't matter now! I'm the bad guy?! She doesn't even know you and she is more comfortable with you than with me. Her own brother!" Owen yells. I sit on my desk with my head in my hands. My wolf doesn't like to be disrespected.

"Her wolf is stirring awake. I'm her mate. She is only letting her wolf take control with her urges. She still flinched at me too Owen. Yes it kills me inside and makes me not regret killing every single wolf who ever touched her but, she is still healing. She needs time." I respond looking him dead in the eyes. His parents sit next to him on the sofa and look even more hurt that she didn't run to them also.

"You're her mate?" Owen and Alpha Dominic say together.

"Yes and I'm not letting her go." I say competitively, challenging them to try to take her away. Their pack lives at least 2 hours away but it is the closest to me. If they try to take her from me, I don't know what I'll do.

"But she needs her family! Yeah. Her mate is important too but we have been with her longer and she needs us. We are her blood so what we say goes. No one will take my sister from me ever again. Especially you." Owen says challenging me to argue. I glare at him and restrain my wolf. He wants blood for the threat of taking his mate and the challenging mood Owen gives off.

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