The war call (part 4)

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Author's notes:

Hey, I'd love to present a shortish preview of the very next chapter of the story. I've decided to proceed with 'the war call' story. However, it's not yet decided whether the second chapter I've promised recently would be the same short story or the other one. I guess you'll have to wait and see it yourself :)

I hope you'll end up liking the chapter, if not, please do tell me what's wrong. After all, it's the only real way for me to get better and provide you with better texts in the future.

It's possible that the chapter will be released as full till the end of the current week. However, I'd not like to promise anything now.

Update (2021.05.20): Sorry for not updating. Let me start with that. The last week or so... was a true grind for me. For at least 10 - 16hrs a day I was coding, which left me with no time for writing. I would like to apologise for that. I'm adding a bit of text that I've managed to write today; with a bit of luck, I will finish the chapter by the end of the week.

Update (2021.05.21): I've managed to finish the chapter. I hope you'll end up liking it. Still, I have one question for you - my readers. Would you like me to finish this short story and then move the scenery to another full-time story, or should I just end the short story and abandon the idea? I would love to hear what you're thinking about this.

[2021-05-12]: A preview was released.
[2021-05-20]: Some text was added (around 800 words).
[2021-05-21]: The finished version of the chapter was released.

Schedule for the nearest future:
7. Story of one lost soul (next chapter)/(The war call|The heart not so cold).
8. Prisoner of Your Eyes (next chapter).
9. Black Diamond (2 next chapters)/(possibly finishing the story).
10. The rise of the Blood Moons' servants (2 next chapters).
11. Alone (2 next chapters)/(possibly rewrite).
12. Last Christmas (finishing up the story).
13. My home is where my heart lies (a long, possibly 10k + words chapter).

Bonuses' section:
Sometimes it's just better not to know (possibly rewrite).
Kiss the rain (more than likely rewrite).
Whispers in the Dark (extending beyond 2 chapters story).
Story of one lost soul (translation of 2 of my old texts - previously written in polish).
Story of one lost soul: The war call: rewrite.

*bonuses will be worked on when I don't feel like writing the chapters pointed out in the schedule :D

End of author's notes.

The dusk had come before their 'conversation' even reached its peak moment. The Druchii wanted to discuss various subjects, especially the ones she found intriguing, interesting. Even though Evelynn had no intention of killing the Asur, she had still put ropes in use, tieing her up. After all, part of her nature as Dark Elf was being suspicious of everything, seeking betrayal everywhere. And... if her life had taught her anything, it would have been the need of being cautious all the damned time.

The witch allowed herself to trace the wounds that only recently had sealed up. Her fingers were gently caressing her exposed skin. A small smirk appeared on her lips; she was satisfied with the healing process and the first aid landed by the Asur. The black-haired woman allowed herself to remain in such a state for a few moments longer before focusing on tied up Akali.

"Do remind me... what would I gain if I let you live?" Evelynn asked softly. "I assume you're pretty well aware of the consequences of me betraying my kin? Dark Elves aren't fond of traitors as you might have heard," she asked another question, putting enough emphasis into every single word.

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