Treading on Snow

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Hearing the hammer hit the floor made you sigh in relief, mentally thanking him for not kill you... Yet.

Opening your eyes you can see his hammer's smashed through the ground and shattered the metal plate that tethered the chains to the cold stone floor. You Looking back up to him you would see his peach lips parted into a small smirk that let out a chuckle, obviously amused by your scared face.

Kneeling down, hammer still planted firmly into the stone floor, held out a hand. You obviously took it and he helped you up. Pulling your body towards him he whispered in your ear so only you can hear, "Don't look at them, don't say anything and just follow me. We'll talk later when we're out of earshot."

Slightly nodding your head as a response he grabbed the medieval like hand restraints he lead you out of the room, keeping your head low not to look at anyone. Stumbling behind him you didn't look up until he stopped in the middle of a hallway.

Looking up from the group you find yourself in a cave like room. The walls shaped of rocky stone that you'd find alone cave walls and a clean stone floor. In a corner of the room there was a bunch of barrels, some standing, some laying down and some stacked on top of eachother. Baskets of fresh fruits decorated barrels. There was a door on the of the walls, locked with a complicated looking lock that had many gears which you assumed was the mechanism. Opposite the door where more barrels and baskets.

The smell of grapes mixed with the musty air of the room.

In one of the corners, opposite the first bunch of baskets and barrels was a tunnel that went down to a small door.

Turning your attention to Heisenberg he had already taken of your restraints while you where looking around. "Thank you for saving my life."

He smirked and slightly bowed his head, "Your welcome."

"Can I... Can I ask what all that was about?" You asked, hoping he'd answer you.

"You're new here which means I'll have to explain." He walked over to the entrance of tunnel and signalled for you to follow, "This village is governed by Mother Miranda, she has four lords under her- this way."

Following him down the dark corridor seemingly underground from the cave like walls, going down short sets of stairs as the corridor continued its descent. He continued his explanation, "Unfortunately enough you've just met them."

"I'm guessing that you're one of the lords." You said, him looking back at you with a small smile, "That's right."

Finding you both at a door he, with the hammer less hand, pushed the doors open with one strong push. Revealing the outside world.

Now that the fog has died down from the day before you clearly see the entire outside was covered in frost and snow. Now realising the cold and icy weather the environment was in it sent a cold shiver down your spine.

Leading you out into the elements and onto a frozen wooden bridge you decided to ask about question but more informal and sassy, "What was her deal? You know, the tall pompous bitch?"

Hearing your words, Heidelberg turned his body a full 180 to look at you, disbelief and amusement painted on his face. He then started to wheeze from your vulgar comment, he then full on chuckled. Using his hammer to hold his body up as he laughed.

Through his laughed he tried to speak but couldn't get it out, spending a long time trying to calm himself down.

"It wasn't that funny." You pointed out but lifted his hand, "No, it was just how you delivered it. Besides, not many people here show that kind of attitude and I kind of miss it."

Now he was mostly calm he then decided to walk beside you instead of in front of you, clearly showing that your little comment made him appreciate you a bit more.

Still smiling and giggling here and there he decided to answer your question, "That's Lady Dimitrescu, she has a bit of a superiority complex-"

"That's obvious to see." You interjected.

Noticing your comment he giggled once more and continued "-She thinks she's better then the rest of us, thinking she can do whatever she wants only because she's been here longer."

"Sounds like she's great at parties." Sarcasm dripping from your voice. Heisenberg laughing once more. He must be enjoying this a lot.

You started to notice that you where no longer on that bridge but passing through the abandoned looking town. People looking through windows but suddenly hiding themselves when either you or him looked in their general direction. Realising that you had completely no idea where you where going.

"Yeah... Where are we going?" Asking in a sweet but concerned seeping into your words.

"To my factory, that's where I essentially live. It's on the outskirts of the village." He spoke, calming down your anxiety that was slowly growing.

You remember seeing it the day before, specifically in the old house you where staying at. Suddenly you looked to your back to find that your bag has been missing and started to worry. That bag held your only possessions in life, the only things you  you held dear to you.

"Don't worry, your stuff's back at the factory." Looking to him he stopped in his tracks, giving you a reassuring gaze even though his black tinted glasses his his eyes from you, you knew that look.

"Thank you... Again." You awkwardly chuckled, thinking about how kind this man has been to you since you've met. Remembering back to the meeting between the lords you remembered how hostile he was towards the Lady Dimitrescu but only because he was provoked. You hope that in the time you'll be here he won't get as violent as he was getting with her.

"Again it's no problem." Replying as quickly as you thanked him.

For a while you two walked in an awkward silence, thinking of something to say you recalled how when he was in a verbal argument with the tall lady he called his hammer to his hand. For a moment you debated on asking him about that and decided to ask, "So... How did you do that?"

"Do what?"

"You know," not knowing what to say you just gestured to the hammer.

"Oh, well I have abilities that allows me to manipulate metal-"

"You have metal powers!?" You cut him off with your excitement, this was the first time meeting someone with real life supernatural abilities. You heard that some people gained them from viruses or parasites but never actually meeting one.

He was stunned at how exited to hear about his powers and just asking him questions about them.

For the last half an hour you two just talked about his powers and occasionally demonstrate a bit of it. He promised that when you two reached the factory he'd show you more things he can do with them.

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