Chapter 11

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"Tell what did you do to Chuuya-san and why did you kidnap him?"

"I told you I didn't."

"Then why is he in your house and he has a red mark on his neck! You can't just deny that—"

"Dazai didn't do anything! It was all my fault!" Chuuya screams while being hold by the black haired police man. "Oi kid, you should keep quiet." The cop holds both of Chuuya's wrists with a lot of effort but no avail, Chuuya breaks free and hugs me from behind. I sit straight on the chair, staring to tense up at Chuuya's sudden embrace. I shouldn't feel happy about is. I really should stop thinking about turning around and return his tiny hug or maybe just literally kidnap him right here right now and just—

"Akutagawa! You are just to weak to be qualified an officer! I told you to just sleep and rest at home and let me do the other things!" The white-haired cop nags, completely ignoring me sitting in front of his desk with the extremely-challenging-my-patience-little-tiny-sweetie-chuchu—

Chuuya's embrace chokes me when a man's voice calls him.

"Chuuya-kun... where have you been? I was worried! Look, Kyuu-chan and Elise-chan are crying!" Says the bawling creepy-looking-man with two kids smiling brightly while holding his hand on each side.

"Jeez! I told you Papa, that I will be babysitting during this school holiday so I won't be home!" Chuuya frowns getting deeper as well as his embrace. I tap his arm for a few times and he let go after Kyu pulls his sweater making Chuuya sigh. Chuuya follows Kyu to Elise and this Papa.

"That unfortunate original babysitter got very confused and lose his job because you stole his paper work and burned together with the dresses I bought for you in the house! The fire alarm has been malfunctioning since, and you almost burn the whole house! You shouldn't do that kind of thing Chuuya-chan!" This Papa makes me uneasy and think the real criminal here is Chuuya. Since Chuuya just... He just...

He stole my heart from the first day he ran away from home! (Dazai just don't get it.)

"I told you not to make me wear that weird clothing! And stop adding 'chan' after my name!!" Chuuya retorts with Kyu clinging onto his arm who is grinning so widely as he comments, "Eh~ But Chuuya nii-chan is so cool. I want to be like him when I grow up~ Right, Elise?" He releases his grip on Chuuya and hops to the girl's side.

"Yup!" The blonde girl beams.

"Not you too Elise-chan!" This Papa really reminds me to someone.

"Not you too, Elise-chan!"

I can just sit quietly and watch since my hands are cuffed. It's not like I can do anything especially the two officers still didn't halt their bickering at the corner of the room since. I look down to my cuffed hands only to see Chuuya's head. He is kneeling way-to-close under me.

"C-Chuuya what..."

"Shut up, I found the key." He shushes me as I exhale the remaining carbon dioxide inside my lungs. Carefully not to make obvious noise. This little carrot cake really can't wait to be eaten fresh. I hear a 'click' sound and Chuuya yanks my hand out from the room. I take a glimpse behind me while Chuuya leads me outside. The Papa is having trouble with his kids while the polices keep smacking each other.


"Your father is Mori???"

"How do you know his name?" Chuuya keeps on pulling my wrist.

So he doesnt remember his past life that much huh?

"So where are we going?"

"Away from the police station."

"Yeah, right."

We are both quiet while walking through the street.

"So you did remember our past life right? You hate me now?"

"Ehh, why would I?"

"You have always been—"

"You just got the wrong idea, Chuuya."

"Liar." Chuuya lets go of my wrist and starts to stomp his feet away from me. I catch up with him with a breeze using my way longer legs that his.

"Okay, I do hate you."

Chuuya stomps faster, starting to run but I yank his sleeve and give him a almost rough embrace from behind. Resting my cheek on his red head. So warm. So comfy.

"I love you so much that it hurts when we had to fight, and everytime you said you hate me I felt irritated that I wanted to hate you too but I couldn't. Oh Chuuya, how can I show you how much I love you?."

"Kiss me."

"Huh? Pardon—"

"Kiss me dimwit."

"But you're fifteen right..?"

"I knew it, you hate me!" Chuuya wipes his tear while trying to break free from my embrace. I pull him back, cup his face so he his face is facing me, softly rest my other hand on his mouth and kiss my own hand on his mouth.

It feels weird, yet I can feel my face heating up. Gosh, is this okay? Am I so dumb about love??? What about Chuuya. What is he thinking. I really want to know what is he thinking.

"I dont know what Im thinking." Chuuya thoughts by himself.

Chuuya stops fidgeting, so I let him go in a rush. Then suddenly he pulled my head down and I feel a soft and sweet sensation on my lips.

"T—thats how you do it! Baka!" Then he runs.

I stand there still not knowing what or how to react. Staring at the running lad covering his extra red face (It might be edible—)

His lips.

Shit, my first kiss.

Chuuya Naka—


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