Chapter 8

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The place smells like blood. This place is rotten. I can't have it no more, I need to go. But where? It's all dark, it's—


I see Chuuya, clothes shredded into pieces. Blood roaming out everywhere from his weak body.

"Dazai! Run!"

I would never run without him. No, I need to save Chuuya.

A black huge shadow pulls Chuuya away from me. A black monster glowing with reds. It is consuming Chuuya, no! Let him go! I can see Chuuya's blue eyes turn dimmer until it is no longer there. It's gone. Chuuya is gone.


I wake up, sitting on my bed, breathing deeply. I glanced at the ginger, sleeping peacefully besides me, hugging my hand. He opens his eye:

"Dazai, are you okay?"

"Oh, yeah. I'm fine."

"You don't look fine." Chuuya sit up, resting his palm on my chest.

My heart beat faster. I feel my cheeks heat a bit thinking about little kid sitting on top of me. This is not good, Chuuya looks so beautiful, can I kiss him this one time? I softly land my hand to his cheek. His eye widen, exhibiting his sapphire orbs that I fell in love since the first we have met. I breathe randomly, (Almost forgot how to breathe properly. Really.) getting my face nearer to the ginger's. I can feel his breath. Our lips almost touch and— Ting!

My phone bibs. I am thinking to take a bucket and douses it in cold water or maybe throw it at someone's face. I reach the stupid phone and read a message. Chuuya, eye still wide, looks at me and then walks to the toilet with a towel. (My towel.)

The message is written:
(Come here, there are foods for you and your tiny girlfriend.)

The tiny part did made me laughed. But I will throw my phone on Oda's face anyway.

"Chuuya, come with me after you are done. We are going out." I shout so he can hear me from the shower.

He takes time to answer. "Why?" Chuuya peeks from the slightly opened door with bubbles of soap everywhere on his body.

Wow, incredible view. Glad I'm sober, or Chuuya might not be save from that.

I smile with both eye close. "Do I need to ask, 'Who's hungry?'"


"Why this place again though?"

"You know that this is my favourite place. Anyway, your friend seems to like it here too." Oda smirks, eyeing the ginger besides me playing with cats. I glance at Chuuya. He is smiling brightly. Brighter that the sun. Prettier that the moon. He—

"Dazai, are you sick? Your face are red." Oda states with an annoying tone that makes my face redder than it should be. The fact that Chuuya looks up at us doesn't make anything better.

"Ah, a got a chilli." I lie confidently. Face still scarlet though.

"We are literally not eating anything yet." Idly, Oda smirks.

"That's-!" I grab his collar and pull his forehead onto mine. I greet my teeth and he holds both of his hands up in fake defeat.

"Umm, can you guys please let me go?" Chuuya muttered from between us. He is stuck between me and Oda since he is sitting in the middle for all this time.

"Hahaha, you are cute Chuuya!" Oda laughs while patting Chuuya's head. Chuuya makes that puppy expression again making me snort.

"Don't touch! You have germs!" I pulled Chuuya away from that pervert and Kyouyo came with our orders while chuckling. I stare at her and pretend to cough and smile innocently.

"Here you go! French toast, fluffy maple pancakes and pizza." Kyouyo smiles and carefully putting the dishes as she adds "Enjoy!"

Pizza? Who the hell ordered this pizza? People don't call pizzas breakfast. At least I don't. The pizza looks tasty anyway. Chuuya might be tastier—

I feel two pairs of big blue eye staring at me. Almost penetrating my soul. I take a glimpse at Chuuya but looks away, avoiding my eye. I can see his expression saddens as his gingerly picking up the fork. He plays with his pancake eye still blank. What is he thinking?

"Chuuya? Not hungry?"

"Let's eat this together Dazai."

"Eh, it's fine ufmp—" He shoves a fork full of chunk of pancake and whipped cream into my still talking mouth. Then he stands up, darting towards the bathroom. Oda squints at me with a questioning look. I shake my head and quick follow the little red head into the bathroom.

Chuuya suddenly pulls me in one of the toilet and my heart almost stopped. He put his hand against the wall beside me and glance up. Glaring at my red face. What is he trying to do?!

"Ch-Chuuya... I think—" I stammer, struggling to find a word to escape this incredibly awkward situation. He shushes me. My heart beat faster.

"You really don't remember me? Dazai?" He gazes up, revealing his blue orbs as he adds, "we fought together and..." Chuuya finally breaks his gaze from me. Looking down to his feet. My head tingles, flashbacks of my life unveils backwards, slowing down and stops at a dark scene. Crimson-dark scene of Chuuya lying weak on the ground. Blood streaming everywhere. Decorating the white tile like a painting. A painting of death. His small body lay still. He is dead.

I breathe heavily. Almost pushing Chuuya. The ginger grabs my shoulders making me flinches.
His eyes are full of hopes and sorrows at the same time.

"It's time for you to wake up."

Instagram: @nyartz_

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