Finding Aubrey #Chapter 2 Part 1

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"Was, Aubrey ever like this? Before Mari passed away?" I asked, I could hear his breath hitch and he pauses in place. "No... Aubrey was much more happier, of course she had her little fights but she's really trust worthy. Her dyed hair suits her, better than black." He answered with a small smile. "I'm sorry, that you're group is not the same. I wish I can help you all get back together... it's weird, I've randomly moved into a new town and are actually making friends. For the first time." Basil looked at me confused. "What do you mean?" "I, never had friends. I was always bullied for being who I am." Basil awkwardly dropped his smile. "You've got me, and the other two." He said calmly as we began walking again. "You're really nice, Basil. We're friends right?" He nodded in response. "I'm going to get y'all together again..." I mumbled to myself as Basil heard me and just smiled to himself.

"I hope so..."

Time skip brought to you by Basil making flower crowns with Y/N.

"Here we are." Basil said to me. "Wow, I love the flowers." I complimented his tiny house with flowers growing around it. "Goodbye Ba-" "Y/N." I hummed in confusion as he looked away. "It's Aubrey. She stole my photo album. And she won't give it back." He said hesitantly. "So, you want me to get it back for you?" He slowly nodded without looking. "Of course Basil, I'll get it back. I'll have Kel and sunny help me if that's alright?" He nodded with a small smile. "Goodbye Y/N." He said walking away into his house. 'There should be some clues over at faraway park.' I began running back to the park as fast as my short legs could take me. Finally making it to the park, I let out some breaths and clutches onto the sign. "Hey Y/N!" Kel shouted behind me as I let out an ear piercing screech in fear. "Y/N chill! It's only us." I glared at him before I realizing that basils photo album was still missing. "Guys, Basils photo album is missing! Aubrey stole it, can you help me get it back?" I asked politely. "Of course! Ugh, that witch will get it when I see her." Sunny didn't look pleased as so did I. "Let's check the park for clues." I said to them as they nodded.

Time skip brought to you by Y/N, sunny and Kel spying on Aubrey in the bushes.

"Hey, isn't that one of Aubrey's group member?" I asked the two as they nodded. "Hey, I think I know you! You're Charlie, I see you hanging around Aubrey sometimes." Kel said walking up to him. "You know where she is?" He didn't say anything and looked away. "You know, Charlie... I can tell you're not really the men type of person. Aubrey took something important from Basil and we need to get i back! Is there any way you can help us?" Kel asked as we remained behind him. Suddenly he pushed Kel out of the way and walked up to a tree and shook it as another person fell out of it.  "WHO, WHAT, WHERE, NOW?!" They shouted as we awkwardly stood there. "What'd you do that for?!" He shouted at Charlie. "Ah if it isn't Kel, that weird knife guy and whoever that girl... is." I glared at him which he ignored. "Worthy adversaries for the great and mighty angel. 'What a weird name.' "Finally, it is time for you to meet your doom!" Angel shouted. "Angel! We don't have time for this, we just want to find Aubrey!" Kel said in annoyance. "Do you know where she is?" I asked.

"You seek Aubrey, do you? Interesting! I will tel you what I know... but first you three must beat me in a battle!" Kel was shocked as I remained silent completely annoyed, obviously he was annoying but I wouldn't mind punching the living day lights out of him if I could get to know where this cupcake icing was. "B-battle?! I don't wanna punch a kid..." Kel answered awkwardly. "You won't be able to lay a finger on me. C'MON LETS SICK EM CHARLIE!!!" shouted angle as we got into a fighting stance. 


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