Finding Aubrey | Part 2

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"That. Was. Exhausting." I let out with a groan of impatience. "Haha, the worst part is. Is that we're not even close to finding Aubrey." Kel chuckled as he scratched his cheek. "Sunny you doing okay?" I asked as he looked at me with a small smile and nodded.

We entered inside the shop, and made our way past the counters into a lollies section. "Hmmm... knowing Kim and Vance, they're probability around here." He said to us as he turned around and made his way into one of the sections. "Oh hey, there she is!" Kel said suddenly dragging my arm over to them. "Hurry, Vance... let's shove it all in our pockets before someone sees us!" Kim complained. 'Thief's.' "Hey, Kim! Have you seen Aubrey anywh-" "GAHH SHOOT!! ITS THAT NERD, KEL!! AND THAT RAT! C'mon Vance! We gotta go!" Kim said as she pushed us to the side and they began making there way to the exit.

Kel didn't seem to have any patience as though he seemed to be annoyed, quickly he makes his way in front of them stopping the two. "Whoa, hold on there! I don't think you paid for those." Me and sunny stood to the side as we watched the scene unfold. "GET OUT OF THE WAY, NERD!!! YOU DONT KNOW ME!!!" Kim screamed in anger as Kel looked like he just shit himself. "H-hey, HEY! Hold on... I'm not here to snitch! We just need to find Aubrey. You know where she is?" Asked Kel.

"H-huh? Aubrey? I-I don't know anything about that. And even if I did I wouldn't tell you!" "Sigh... I've had enough of this for today. Kim, let's make a deal! You tell me where Aubrey is, and I won't turn you in for stealing candy!" Kel suggested. 'Oh boy...' I watched as the manager walked into a view behind Kim. "I thought you said you weren't a snitch!" Kim snapped. "And I don't need to be if you just tell me where Aubrey is!"

"YOU TWO AGAIN?! I thought I told you to never come back in here!" Snapped the manager. "Uh-oh..." mumbled Vance. "Hand over the stolen candy! DONT make me call the cops on you kids!" "We've been busted." Vance muttered. "FINE! HERES YOUR STUPID CANDY!" Shouted Kim as she stormed out the shop. "HAHA SERVES YOU RIGHT!" Kel yelled at them. "Wait. How are we gonna find Aubrey now?! Sigh... c'mon, let's follow them..." I nodded as we began to make our way out of the shop. "Hold up. Lemme get something." Kel suddenly let out as he ran pack in the candy section. "Sorry for the hold up you too, let's go find Kim and Vance."

Time skip brought to you by Kel stuffing his face in with lollies.

We exited the store to see Kim and Vance chatting outside. "Wait Kim!" Kel let out so suddenly. "I have something for you. "You again, Kel? What the heck do you want, you bully!" She snapped. "Tell us where Aubrey is and I will give you to us while big bag of candy!" Kel suddenly pulled out a bag of candy. That shocked Kim as she ran up to him. "R-really, the whole bag? I mean, wait- you can't buy us off with candy! Who do you take for us?" Snapped Kim. "I don't know Kim. We haven't had candy for an entire week... and there's a whole bag right there in front of us. We don't even have to pay for it!" Vance complained. "Ugh! Stop it Vance, we have to stay strong." Kim snapped. "When we go to dads house, we'll be able to have all the candy we want." She shouted at him in frustration. "Okay... I'll do it for you, sis." He replied. "Kim~ Vance~ Is waiting..." Kel cooed. "Heh! Like we'd accept candy from a bunch of low life nerds!" Snapped Kim. 'I'm this close to losing it.' "Aww, man really? I was sure that would work." Kel groaned.

"This is a waste of time... Let's get outta here!" They began to walk off as Kel suddenly lost it. "Wa-wait! Please Kim... you're the only lead we've got. Please take this big bag of candy. We... even... have taffy in here!" Kel begged which got Vance attention. "Did, someone say taffy?" Asked Vance. "Ugh... I see... that changes everything." Kim said as she began to walk up to Kel with Vance.

"Fine. You really wanna know that badly huh?" Kim said. "How's about we SETTLE THIS WITH OUT FISTS! If you win, I'll tell you where Aubrey is... but if we win, you give us that bag of taffy and never talk to us again." Kim suggested. "Ugh! What is it with fighting." I pouted. "W-wait a sec, there's no need to fight! If you just tell me where she is, I'll give you this whole bag." Kel back talked. "But... I wanna fight... c'mon! Put em up you two!" Kim suddenly shouted. "Sigh... what is it with you guys and fighting?" Kel mumbled. 'That's what I'm saying.'

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