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A duo of archaeologists are exploring the ruins of what they do not realize was a structure from an alien civilization. Due to the overgrowth that had taken over the area obscured any of the major technological components. Within this structure, the ambitious archaeologist apprentice discovered something interesting. A single container, a box that is emitting a strange humming sound. It was geometric in nature, looking akin to being made of pure stone. Atop the box was a bizarre crest, a diamond composed of four other diamonds of various colors. A white diamond in the top, a blue diamond down and to the left, a yellow diamond down and on the right, and a pink diamond below all three. They're all linked together to form a singular big diamond.

"What is this?" The apprentice asks his mentor.

"I'm...not quite sure. Perhaps the crest acts as a locking mechanism," The mentor suggested as he took the box from his apprentice and examined it himself. Out of a sense of curiosity, he uses his thumbs to press the insignia. It depresses, making a peculiar buzz and sending geometric lines throughout the entire top of the box starting from each vertex of the diamond. A hiss came from the box, as if pressurized air had been stored within the box. The box's lid began to recede inwards as panels of light, revealing the contents of the box. It was a strange...gem like amulet. It was pulsating green, which was the source of the humming sound. It was containes in a strange metallic casing, that had four prongs that latched into individual clasps in the box's base.

"Well...isn't this quaint?" The mentor says, admiring the considerably cute design of the strange gem. The apprentice wanted to see the inside of the box as well, and got excited

"Let me see please?!" The apprentice begged, accidentally knocking the box out of his mentor's hands and dropping it onto the floor. The box clatters onto the floor, the amulet popping out of its compartments and clanging as the metallic parts impacted the floor. Before the archaeologists could process what happened, the pulsing stopped. The gem now a solid green glow, with a darker green detail now in the center of the gem. The detail as a line, that moved back and forth around its possible space within the crystal. It honed in on the two archeologists, as if the crystal was now an eye that scanned the environment.

Once it had effectively scanned the environment, the green glow faded. Now the gem was a dim but ominous red, the humming sound ceasing entirely. Now the two were in silence with the crystal seemingly becoming sentient.

"What do we do? I think its alive," The apprentice questioned in fear.

"We simply put it back into its box and reseal the box. That should make this....thing domicile and inactive again," The mentor replied sternly, picking the box back up and slowly approaching the crystal to reseal it into its containment. Then...another sound began, a new humming sound. It started at a low din, yet it seemed to be repeating itself. As the sound continued, it got louder and gradually it got faster. The gem was now glowing again, but this time it was beginning to glow a bright red. As each hum cycled back, it pulsed brighter and brighter. It was increasing in tempo, in pitch and in volume. It almost got near blinding and near deafening for the archaeologists to be around the gem.

The gem released its pent up charge, blasting up and outwards a gigantic flashing pillar of polychromatic energy into the heavens. The nearby area was wiped out, evaporated and incinerated save for the gem technology. Amidst the pillar of light, silouhettes flashed rapidly of humanoid figures. Each of varying size and shape, but always consistently being human. The second to last of which being over 50 meters in height, letting out a roar that could be heard for miles. As the roar echoed, the silouhette shrunk to a more reasonable height for a human. As the light faded, the area a forced and the archeologists long since evaporated...a lone figure looks around the area...before walking with purpose in a single direction. Crushing the housing vessel of the crystal, which is now nowhere to be seen. Of the pieces of the box that remain, one shows the true intention of the receptacle.

Homeworld Containment And Charging Vessel: Small Scale Cluster Prototype

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