chapter 8

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Avery POV

We reached Grayson's house, I was confused, wasn't his house at the beach, I was about to ask.

"We only go to the beach sometimes, we don't live there." He explained, answering my unspoken questions.


This house was so big that we could call it a mansion, and it has a big garden.

I was about to open the door but Grayson beat me to it.

"You didn't have too." I said blushing as I got out of the car.

"What can I say? I am a gentleman." He said smirking, as he closed my door.

I laughed hitting him lightly, he laughed along with me as he opened the door.

Loud barking was heard as a husky came running towards us, jumping and licking Grayson.

"Hey, snow! I missed you too, buddy." Grayson said petting him.

Snow stopped jumping on Grayson after a while, and came over to me and started sniffing me.

"Aww, he is so cute." I said rubbing behind his ear making him purr cutely.

"Yeah he is."

"Oh, hey, mom, this Avery." Grayson said pointing to me and then said, "Avery this is my mom, Laura."

"Hey, darling." She said in a raspy voice, she was giving me a warm smile, but she looked tired and a little bit pale.

"Hey, Mrs.Richardson." I greeted her with a smile, she has a dirty blonde hair and the same green eyes as Grayson.

"Just call me Laura, honey." She said smiling, coming over and giving me a hug, it was so warm, it felt motherly, I don't even feel that with Madeline.

"We came to do an English project, mom." Grayson told her.

"I will prepare dinner, so you could eat after doing the project." Laura said.

"This won't be necessary, we can cook dinner after finishing the project." I told her, as she looked tired.

"It's fine, you just do your project." She said shooing us.

"Let's go, my room is that way." Grayson said leading me towards his room

His room was dark, it was all black, grey and white.

He lead me to the desk and we started to do the project.


"Finally!" Grayson said as It has been two hours and we had finally finished the project.

"I can't believe that we finished it." I said happily.

"Let's go have dinner." Grayson said.

We went downstairs and into the kitchen, it smelt heavenly in here.

"Finished already?" His mother asked us.

"Yeah finally." Me and Grayson said at the same time, we looked at each other and bursted out laughing, making his mother laugh along with us.

"Well, let's eat."

"Thank you, Laura."

When we finished eating it was 7:45 and I had to leave as to not make my family worry.

"Thank you so much for the food, it was amazing." I thanked Laura making grin at the compliment.

"You are welcome, my dear."

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