8: New York

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Stark Tower

Tony and Macy swoop onto the helipad outside the wrecked penthouse, and Macy smiles at the memories that her and her father made while they lived in New York.

The Mind Stone glows in Loki's scepter. Pull back to see it's in Natasha 1's hands, as she stands with...Sadie 1, Thor 1, Steve 1, Tony 1, Macy 1, Hulk 1, Clint 1, and Taylor 1, all staring down at Loki.

"If it's all the same to you...I'll have that drink now." Loki said from behind cover, and Tony and Macy peers at the backside of the Avengers Tableau.

"Cap, I've got to say that outfit does nothing for your ass." Tony said and Macy tried to hold in her laughter at that.

"No one asked you to look Tony." Steve said with some sarcasm, and tiny Scott is on Macy's shoulder.

"I think you look great Cap. As far as I'm concerned that's America's Ass." Scott said and Macy snickered a little at Scott's comment.

"Who gets the magic wand." Natasha 1 says.

"SHIELD's coming up now." Steve 1 says. Macy quickly glanced at her younger self and she couldn't help but smile a little when she saw her younger self. Tony noticed her gaze and he smiled a little. But then he remembered why they are here and he poked Macy's side and her gaze broke off and she refocused her attention on the mission.

"Ball's in play. Head's up Cap." Macy said into her com.

"Mind Stone's on the move." Tony said in his com.

"I'm in position." Steve said and Macy quickly got out her phone and took a picture of her past self, and then she put her phone back into her pocket.

"Got to admit Tasha looks more badass with the scepter in her hands." Macy said and Tony nodded his head at his daughter.

"Yup she sure does, and it's kind of creepy too!" Tony said and Macy laughed a little at that, and she couldn't deny that Tasha looks more badass with the scepter, than she already was. Yes, Tasha is already badass in general but with the scepter it bumped that scale up a couple more notches.

Natasha 1 hands Loki's scepter to Agent Sitwell. He's about to touch the tip when...

"Careful with that." Natasha 1 says to Sitwell.

"Unless you want your mind erased and not in the fun way." Clint 1 says and Sitwell carries the scepter to the service elevator where a STRIKE team waits. Brock Rumlow hits the 'down', button.

"We promise to be extra careful." Brock Rumlow says, and Scott stares at Sitwell and Rumlow.

"Who are those guys?" Scott asks.

"SHIELD. Actually HYDRA, but we didn't know that yet." Macy said to Scott and he nodded his head when the younger Stark said that.

"Seriously? Cause it's kind of obvious they're bad guys." Scott says and Macy groans a little.

"You're small but you're talking loud." Tony said and Macy nodded her head a little at her father, when he said that, and she also rubbed her ears a little.

Thor 1 walks Loki last Steve 1.

"I'm on my way to coordinate search and rescue." Steve 1 says and Loki rolls his eyes and transforms into a copy of Steve.

"I'm on my way to coordinate search and rescue, I mean really how do you keep your food down?" Loki says and Thor slaps a muzzle on Loki, and he reverts to his own form.

"Yes that's much better." Thor says and he steers his brother to the main elevator.

"You coming Stark?" Thor asks and he turns around and sees Tony 1 use his gauntleted hand to place the tesseract into an aluminum attaché case.

"One sec, just packing my lunch." Tony 1 says.

"All right you're up. Little Buddy, there's our stone." Tony said and Macy took a breath and sighed a little knowing that Scott was gonna leave because she was getting annoyed a little from him.

Tony 1 crosses the elevator and Scott takes position readying himself.

"All right flick me." Scott said and Macy kind of forgot that he was on her shoulder.

Macy flicks Scott with her middle finger sending him sailing into the attaché case. Tony and Macy leap out of the window, bleeding edge armor forming around them as they fall.

Hulk 1 steps up to the already crowded elevator, the Avengers smile awkwardly, there's no room.

"Hulk hates stairs." Hulk 1 says and Macy 1 gulps a little and she steps back a little from Hulk 2, and he roars in her face and she yelps a little.

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