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It's been a week since Macy's funeral, and Tony has a stash of whiskey in Macy's bedroom, without Pepper knowing that he's been drinking, this whole time.

Pepper tells Morgan a bedtime story about her sister, which has been highly requested by the five-year-old, lately, and Pepper doesn't mind it one bit.

Pepper puts Morgan to bed, and she goes to bed also, and she has a frown on her face, knowing that Tony isn't right next to her like he hasn't been for a week.

"Why doesn't Daddy talk about sissy anymore?" Morgan asks her mother just as she got up to turn off her light, and she looks at her youngest daughter.

"Because....because ....he's....uh....going through some stuff..." Pepper says to Morgan and the little girl nods her head at her mother.

"Oh okay." Morgan says to her mother, and Pepper kisses Morgan's forehead, and the little girl smiles because that's the exact place where her sister would kiss her when she wasn't in Malibu.

In Macy's Room

Tony is sitting on Macy's bed with his bottle of whiskey in his hand, and his eyes are bloodshot red, also because he's been crying a whole lot and also because he's been going back to his old ways.

"I wish you were here Macy, you'd be happy, and probably wanting to kick my ass." Tony says and, he tries to get up but he ends up falling back on the bed, and he drinks the last of the whiskey that was in the bottle. The bottle falls on the ground, and he passes out drunk.

The next morning

Pepper woke up Morgan and they are gonna take a trip to Malibu, for a vacation. Also because Morgan hasn't been to Malibu, well she has but when she was a baby, and she doesn't remember a whole lot except for her sister, and the memories that her and Macy made.

Tony recovered from his hangover, and he brushes his teeth, to get rid of the smell, after he is done brushing his teeth. He grabs one of his suitcases, and sneaks a couple bottles of whiskey in them. He also puts his clothes over the whiskey so Pepper won't get him a lecture, about drinking in front of Morgan. Which she probably would, when she finds out, about him going back to his ways.

Tony heard a knock on the door and he turned around fast and saw little Morgan standing at the door, and she had the same cheeky grin that Macy always had on her face.

"Hey little lady." Tony says smiling at Morgan, and she nuzzles her head on his shoulder, and he grabs his bag and drags it down stairs. He sees Pepper checking that she has everything.

"Hey honey." Pepper says and she walks towards Tony and kisses his lips, and he smiles at his wife.

"Ready." Tony says and Pepper does another check and she nods her head, and Happy is out waiting in the car, for the Stark's to come out.

"See you when you get back." Rhodey says and he kisses Morgan's head and she giggles, just like Macy.

Later that night

Pepper, Morgan and Tony just landed in Malibu, and they are staying where...Macy's place. This is their first time being there since she died.

Typically they would be staying in Malibu for like a month or so. So Morgan can spend time with her sister, and for Macy and Tony to do each other's suits, while Pepper is with Morgan, so she wouldn't be in the way while they work.

Morgan is fascinated with Macy's suits, she would watch Macy being in action of upgrading her suits, and also her Dad's suits.

They would do that for days on end, on the count she basically grew up helping her father fixing and building suits, so she knows what she's talking about.

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