Chapter 1

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First chapter

Word count: 1006


The sound of cars started to seep through the opened window of the nursing home. the sun had starting to rise over the building in the distance. I was always here this early after a mission, its been our thing for as long as i can remember; latest S.H.I.E.L.D files in one hand and a caramel latte in the other. I would alway come and talk about my mission and how it went and she ( my gran) would always tell me about what it was like in the old day, at least what she could remember. it was nice, i didn't get to see her much and, well since New York I've been seeing her even less, with all the crazy shit going on i just haven't had the time...

"You know, i just don't think S.H.I.E.L.D what it was when it was founded"

"Of corse it isn't, love, a lot has changed since the fifties"

"I know, but i can't help thinking that's thing could be different-"

My phone buzzed in my back pocket


I left out low huff

Of course this was going to happen

" you've got to go" she took the words out of my mouth

" I've got to go" I conform as She takes my hand in hers

"Just know that things will get better, I'm counting on it" she gave my hand a little squeeze before kissing it "stay safe, ok I want you to come back in one piece"

"Yes, I know, I always am gran" I chuckled leaning over to brush away a stray sliver strand of hair from her eyes and kiss her on the forehead "Im going now, I'm supposed to be meeting Nat downstairs in five, i love you"

"I love you too"

I jumped off the end of the bed swing my brown jacket off the chair and make a run for the stairs, down seven levels to meet Nat, she was supposed to be debriefing me on the new mission.


Speed walking down to the front desk, picking up a pen to sing my self out.

"Off so soon?"

I lift my head up to meet a tall blonde "I've been here all night Mia, you know what she's like when...."

She places her hand on mine " i know" she smiles sadly "I know it's hard"

"Yeah..." i trail off, shaking my head "anyway I have to get going, I should be back in a couple of days"

"Your off again" she laughs

"I need to work"

"That's not the only thing you need, honey you NEED a man"

" I'm not having this conversation again i'll see you soon Mia text me and we'll go out" I put the pen down and start walking to the door

"Ok, good luck" she called after me

"Your late" Nat rolled down the window, already waiting for me on the curb

"By like" I look down at my watch "30 seconds"

"Whatever, just get in" she smile

I jump into the back of the black car.

"How is she?"

"She's ok I guess" I take a deep breath "she's doesn't sleep much but that's understandable"

"Mmh" she responds

"So" i say trying to change the subject "what's the mission"

"Don't know" she glances at me through the mirror

"What do you mean you don't know; fury tells you everything?"

"Yes he does, but we've got to pick up someone else first"

"And where might this someone be?"

"Washington monument"

We hit the road to pick him up. Nat pulled right, onto the side walk, that's when we started to roll down the window.

"Hey fellas, either one of you know where the Smithsonian is?" She smirks

I know where this is going

"I'm here to pick up a fossil"

"That's hilarious" the broad-shouldered Blondie said walking towards us

"You didn't tell me it was captain America!" I say to Nat leaning over the seat to get a closer look at the man walking towards us "that is him right?"

"And there was a reason for that" she turned round "I think you got a bit of drool there"

"No, I haven't" sitting back in my seat "that's not funny Nat" i pout crossing my arms

The door opened up and Captain Rogers got in the front seat

"How you doing?" Calls a voice from outside

"Hey" Nat answer

"Nat" I whine from the back seat rolling my eyes in the mirror

She always does this

"Can't run everywhere" Steve says out the window

"No, you can't" he replied

I wave through the front window as the tires screeched on the road, sending me flying in the the seat behind me.


"Who's this?" Steve turned round in his seat

I held out my hand "Evelyn," I said as he reached for it.

"Steve Rogers"

I smiled "so I'm guess we're all together on this one"

"Yup" they reply in unison

"Ok then" I sat back in my seat, then my phone started to buzz in my coat pocket.

"Hello?....Yes, I'm on my way now. Who am I with?" I laughed "if I told you that was classified?...Ok yeah, I'm sorry. I'm with Captain Rogers, yes well you don't need to worry. and Nat like I told you when I left this morning....I know I will I'll speck to you later. Love you too. Bye"

"Was it her again"

"What do you think Nat?" Putting down the phone

Steve turns to look at me as if to say 'who her?' But he's far too polite for that

"My gran, she a bit of an insomniac"


First chapter tell me what you think
And comment if there are any spelling

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