Chapter 5

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If someone had told me a week ago that someone's was going to try and kill me and that I would be breaking into an apartment with the director of S.H.I.E.L.D I think I would have slapped them round the face and said 'keep on dreaming' But here we are breaking into some guys apartment.

"This is Captain Rogers' place isn't it?" I ask

"What gave it away"

"Well there's, the fact that the place looks like no one lives here, that there are two shelves full of of 1940s record, or that there is a vibranion red, white and blue shield Laing next to the door. But take your pick of which one gave it away first" I whisper- shout lifting the latch on the window before helping fury onto the chair in the corner of the room

"Puts one of the them on"

"The records, why?"

'ears everywhere' he typed into his small tablet.
I ran my finger tip across the vinyls cover  till I stopped, 1945s its been a long, long time, I slid my finger into the mangled case and pull out  the black vinyl.
My fingers traced around yhe placed it onto the stereo before sitting on the floor next to fury.

I must have dosed off because the next thing I knew Steve was standing in the middle of the room talking to fury who had risen from his seat, I looked out the widow to see a man, the same one that had tried to kill us earlier.

"Get down" I sooted my hands out creating a force field, but I was too late he had already gotten a few shots in at fury. before he fell to the ground, I followed after him

"Fury, god I'm so sorry I didn't see him until, stay still ok don't try to move"

I placed my hand over his heart trying to stop the bleeding, as I I'd tears started to run down my face. He looked at Steve before giving him the hard drive that Nat had gotten and said "don't trust anyone" his eyes slowly flickered shut.

Then a loud bang came from the door and such a familiar voice followed

"Captain rogers, captain. I'm agent 13 of S.H.I.E.L.D special service"


"Ive been assigned to protect you"

"Well you haven't done a very job at that" I shouted from the kitchen as she ran in to see fury lying on the floor and me knelling over him trying to stop the blood from pouring out of his body "Sharon! Come help me please its wont stop, the blood won't stop" I said tears running down my face more than ever

"Evelyn? What are you doing here?" She knelt down to check his pulse

"He, i, we were attacked in the car. Ahh" my free hand moved to my hip "I ripped my stitches open. God she's gunna kill me, there all gunna kill me, I'm in so much trouble" the air in my lunges started to leave, I couldn't breathe, my arms started to shake even more than the last time.

"Look at me, you need to calm down ok, you need to breathe. Keep holding pressure or he is going to bleed out ok?"

"Mmh" I brushed the tear away with my elbow still holding a much pressure as I possible could, she grabbed a walkie talkie out of her nurse's scrubs

"Foxtrot is down, he unresponsive, I need EMTs"

"Do we have a 20 on the shooter?" The dispatcher replied

"Tell the Im in pursuit"

"Steve you can't" but it was too late he had already jumped

The ambulance came and took me and fury to the hospital, and Steve followed us there on his bike. My hands where still pressed against his chest when we arrived at the hospital, I couldn't move my hand or my body it was like I had frozen in place staring at his body covered in mine and his own blood. Steve followed behind us, he slipped his hands around my waist pulling me off of him, I turned round to him and looked up, his face was blurred out by the water in my eyes, then I cracked burning my head into his chest and wrapping my arms around him.

You don't need a reason to help people - {Steve Rogers}Where stories live. Discover now