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Taya; 7 years before events

I fell to the floor of the ship as we veered sharply. I ran to the bridge to see what was happening. "Mom, Dad what's going on? What's happening to the ship?" My father the captain of our little crew spoke, "We've run into a meteor shower, it's dust trail has damage our maneuvering thrusters! We're sitting ducks out here! Dane can we move yet!" I heard Dane come across the intercoms, and said, "I got the thrusters working temporarily. If we were going we better go now, and go as fast as we could to get the hell out of here!" "Is there a planet we can land on?" My father asked Charlie, "There's one Sir but it's not a space travel planet the people have yet to discover light speed technology." "If it's our only option find a area as far away from the indigenous population to hopefully land on instead of crashing into!" "Baby go get in the crash pod and stay there until after we land." I looked at my mother, and nodded knowing she needed to be focused on landing the ship with Dad instead of worrying about me. "I'm going now, be careful and I'll see you all on the ground." I could feel the ship move this way and that to avoid being hit. I made it inside the shelter, just as the ship shook hard we must've been hit. The ship began to spin hard, making me dizzy. When we got to the upper atmosphere of the planet I was knocked into a console, and completely lost consciousness!

When I came to it was dark and fires burned all around me. I needed to find my parents, and the crew. I began to search the wreckage finding my mom first, I knew in that moment she had died in the crash. I was broken this wasn't how I was supposed to lose her! I pulled myself together and found my dad and held his hand as he joined my mom in paradise. I buried my parents and the rest of the bridge crew six in all. Dane was missing he had been in the engine room, so he might have survived like me. It was then I let my tears fall uncontrollably, after I realized that I was now alone in this scary place. I began to wander away from the graves and crash site. Since I knew the fires might attract the local population. Days passed as I walked, until I collapsed in a heap on the ground. I was aware but also unaware of my surroundings except I heard music playing. I didn't realize it but I was being picked up and carried inside, until I heard a girls voice speak. "Andi she's filthy you'll get dirty!" "It's fine can't you see she's just a child." I slipped back into unconscious.

Andrea Rhodea:

I could see the tear stains in the dirt and blood that covered the childs face. Once she was well enough I could send her on to the Leaf house. I called for a doctor to attend to her. My brother Jules came to see why I had sent for the doctor. "Poor kid, I wonder what happened to her." "Me too, she was there behind the Honey Bee inn. I just couldn't leave her even though my honey bees wanted me to. Something about her draws me too her. I'm thinking of turning her over to the Leaf house, but that just doesn't feel right." "Well I'm with you whatever you decide, I've gotta get back to the gym I'll see you later." "Mr Rhodea?, The girl I've done what I can, it's quite odd materia isn't working on her she'll have to heal naturally. I'm sorry but she'll have a very long recovery because of it. She also seems to have an allergy to the tap water so be sure that she only drinks purified water." I thanked the doctor and sent him on his way. She didn't heal like the rest of us. As I made my way back to my bedroom where she rested, I couldn't help but wonder what she went through.

A week later after my show had finished, I came home to hear muffled crying. Ah she was awake I had moved her to my office which I had made into a bedroom for her. When she was cleaned up her hair shone like copper, her skin was softly tanned, and appeared to have a sparkle. It was her eyes I had yet to see, although if the doctor was to be believed I would see them at some point. And it seems like that point is now. "I'm coming in! Are you all right dear?" My breath caught in my throat her eyes were the color of honey. They seemed to shine in the dim lighting, she seemed to be staring straight into me. "Hello little one my name is Andrea, what's yours?" "I'm Taya. Where am I?" Before I had a chance to answer, it was then she buried her face in my chest crying her heart out. I knew then and there what had happened to her family, they must be dead killed out in the wilds! I took her in my arms holding her as she cried. "Shhh, it's okay cry it all out, you'll feel better after you've let yourself grieve." She fell asleep in my arms sometime later after crying herself out. I laid her back into the bed careful of her injuries. She had a fractured arm, a nasty cut to her forehead, and many bruises covering her body. She was healing so slowly, the doctor said that keeping her here until she was completely healed would be best.

Under A Steal Sky; FFVII A Rufus Shinra HEAWhere stories live. Discover now