The End, or beginnings..

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Rufus Shinra; Ten years later,

Neo-Midgar hadn't been a big success in it's first years. But now it was a bustling metropolis. The people coming from all over, other nations coming to study our concepts. A lot of places implementing our technology in there own cities. We willingly helped others set up sustainable cities. Seeing illnesses drop, and animals stopped being corrupted by mako. Making it safer to be out in the wilderness areas, hiking and camping became the norm for people. Taya had given me three more children two sons and a daughter. While Isa and Henry were our rocks born during a time of unrest. Our younger children didn't know any of that, growing up in this city with everything available to them. Schools and field trips to zoos, museums, the office buildings that house the infrastructure of the city. All these things that made people's life easy. When the adults realized that this city offered their children things other city didn't they began to move in slowly. The one thing I did was give Cloud and Tifa the home near ours. Isa, Marlene, and Henry were close, all three of them a part of the ancients. That I kept hidden from the outside world. Out of the four children we had biologically, only Henry and Tessa our youngest daughter were ancients. Our twins Adam and Grant were my mirror images, while Tessa was her mother all over again. No ancient would ever be an experiment again, I made sure of that! All of Shinra's research into them was destroyed to protect them and others yet unknown to us. "Rufus, what's got you over here brooding, come join us the kids were just talking about their day at school." "Just thinking about the way my life turned out. Granted it wasn't all good times, but I think it's been pretty good so far I have a beautiful family that I love so much. Taya did you think I lived up to the man you saw all those years ago?" She laughed and wrapped her arms around my neck, kissing me hard. "You turned out better than I could've imagined I'm so thankful that you're mine you know." "I'm glad you gave me a chance to prove myself to you. To show you I'm a better man than the one my father raised. Let's go talk about school with the kids." I still couldn't believe Isa was 16 already with Henry right behind her at 12. Both of them wanted to be doctors in some form or another. Our other three kids still to young to think about their future occupations. "Dad Asahi asked if me and Grant could come over later to play video games, can we go?" Asahi was Tseng's and Elena's son he was 7 the same age as the twins. "I don't see why not as long as Tseng is okay with having you guys over. It shouldn't be a problem Adam but ask your mother before you make any plans." I watched my son run off to tell his brother I said it was okay with me as long as mom said yes. "Don't worry hun Elena already called it's okay and it's just for a couple of hours. Plus Tseng is going over the population data. He believes we've hit 20 million people in the city center, and almost every house is occupied with 75% of the apartments occupied as well." "So that's 30 million people living in Neo-Midgar. We're on our way, we've established a self-sustaining City we've found our place Taya! Did you think I would ever be better, or do better then my father. I'm finally the man I see in your eyes, I love you Taya!" She laughed and said, "Yeah, you've become a right ole softie." "Remember Taya I'm still quite ruthless in bed, and will take out any cheek you give me there!" She flushed a pretty pink, "Good to see I can still make you blush until tonight Taya. For now let's go be parents. Isa asked if I'll teach her to drive, are you okay with that?" Yes just don't freak out on her like you did with me." "Taya sweetie you have a lead foot, and going that fast in the city limits for lack of a better word 'freaked me out'!" It was these mundane conversations that made me realize my life was almost perfect. I had the family I loved, I created a world that protected them. In this moment I knew peace, and I would do anything to protect that peace whatever it took! Even if it meant taking out the rest of the world to do so!


I watched my husband as he was lost in thought. I knew the man he became was good to a fault, but cross him you wouldn't see another morning. He promised aid to those who needed it, help recreating our sustainable technology for use in their cities, schools for their children, farming resources, all things to help others grow and prosper. But if they attacked him and tried taking it by force, he would destroy them! While time had mellowed him, he was still his father's son, and I loved him even more for being true to himself and me. Even when he gave the house nearest ours to Tifa and Cloud, I knew he was trying to make amends to them. I remember one night remarking on Cloud's looks. "You know Rufus Cloud looks a lot like you, and you know your father wasn't all that faithful to your mom do you think he could be another brother?" "I don't know, possibly with how close his mother lived and she worked in the Shinra mansion. But it's best to leave it be, he's finally healing from all the damage Shinra did to him. Him finding out he might be related to the people who broke him could be really hard for him to handle." We left it at that letting Cloud heal was for the best after all. Ten years had gifted him and Tifa two kids of their own not counting the ones they adopted as family. I found that sometimes the ties of friendships are stronger than the blood that ties a family together.

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