After The Storm

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Rufus was missing it's been six months since I've seen my husband. Heidegger and Scarlet said that he was dead. They've been trying to strip the company for all it's worth. They jailed Tuesti, but couldn't liquidate the assets without my vocal override. So they searched for us in the seaside town Rufus said he sent us too. Rude had a guard loyal to him that kept him apprised of where they were sending search parties. The mansion was next so we moved in the middle of the night. Reno carrying a sleeping Isa to the helicopter. I told them that perhaps we could go to my uncle's house, my mother's brother. It was in the middle of nowhere between two towns, and hard to find if you didn't know it was there. It's where we've been hiding, since the meteor came down, and the lifestream with Aerith help stopped it. When I see a car in the distance, flying towards the house. Reno pulls me inside, "Stay here until we check it out. Only one who knows our location is Tseng. Your wedding gift has a tracking beacon in it." My earrings from the Turks they were stars to match my bracelet. Tseng was quite devious and perhaps just a little bit protective of me. He was gone right after that. I sat holding Isa worrying who was out there, and that if my bodyguards would be okay. When I heard words I couldn't completely comprehend. "It's Rufus he's here!" Isa moved before I could yelling, "Daddy, your back I missed you! Mommy has a baby in her tummy!" I saw him then his look saying it all. "I should have been here sooner, but we had to evacuate Midgar. It's fallen Taya, I've released Tuesti, Heidegger and Scarlet are dead. Along with Hojo he was helping Sephiroth all along. So I'm going to be a dad again, how are you my love?" It was then I began to cry, and he just held me. Sometime later I awoke to the feeling of being wrapped in his strong arms. I looked at my husband face remembering the details. He had dark circles under his eyes and looked as if he's lost some weight. I put my head into his chest his heartbeat bringing tears to my eyes. "No more tears Taya, I'm home now we're going back to Edge city. Taya honey Aerith is gone." "I know she came to say goodbye to me. I knew you weren't gone! I knew you hadn't returned to the planet! You would've come to say goodbye to me and Isa, and you didn't so I knew you were coming for us. I was so scared that you would come to say goodbye to me and never meet your son." "So it's a boy then? When did you find out about him?" Right after you went missing, the midwife put the date as your last night in the Shinra mansion. So I'm six months and about two weeks. But she said she could be off by a week at most. Meaning I'm closer to seven months instead of six. I was afraid I would have to do this on my own. But Reno and Rude, both said it was their job to stay by my side, and our son's. Until he was old enough to take on his birth right." "Sorry little one you'll have to wait until daddy deals with the fallout from granddad's stupidity. I'm going to try and make clean energy, and I'm going to need your help Taya. You said that a group of people lived clean and had, what was it called again, a footprint." "Oh a low carbon footprint yes they had wind turbines, and water ones too! That powered batteries, that would power their cities. They recycled everything and composted all organics waste. The runner has everything they did I could print it out in a book form for you." I gave a soft little oh when my son kicked me hard. I felt Rufus put his hand on the spot. "Listen little one I know you don't have much room anymore but kicking your mom isn't nice." I could feel him stop like he was listening to him. "I'm going to tear down the remains of Midgar, recycle the steel and fill in those underground labs. When this is over, it'll be as if that Midgar never existed in the first place. So it'll be a clean slate to rebuild our world. This is for my daughter, my son, and any other children we have, to have a better world to grow up in." I fell back asleep in his arms holding me, and feeling safe for the first time in awhile.


I sat in Taya's ship, she called a runner with Tseng going over everything. Getting people who worked our science side to build the turbines and batteries. Getting our steel workers in to pull down and melt down the steel into the parts for the turbines and batteries. Getting members of SOLDIER to clear the underground labs of monsters. So the labs can be dismantled and filled in, again recycling what we could. By the time Taya gave birth to my son we were well on our way in tearing down Midgar. The underground labs were gone, most of the upper plate was gone as well with the first turbines taking shape. I had the mako reserves and storage drained and pumped back into the planet. While peoples trust in the Shinra power company was low they saw me trying to right things. I even repaired Aerith church, but even with the repairs it still had leaks. Water tended to pool where her flowers grew, it's where Cloud would spend time staring at the water. I know he feels guilt over Aerith's death, but in truth that's on my family, too. "Is everything on track for bulldozing the slums and mako pipelines?" "Of course Sir, we've given the go ahead, and everything is proceeding as scheduled." "Tseng I'm thinking of making you my interim vice president, I need someone I can trust until my son decides if he wishes to be apart of the company. You've protected myself and my wife especially her secret! Would you be interested in the position?" "Of course Sir I would be honored."

Six months have past and the the upper and lower plates of five of the eight sectors were gone with only the pillars remaining. I took Taya, Isa, and Henry our now four month old son, to visit the site. New vegetation was growing in what had been the slums. We found Tuesti working on the plans for the residential areas. As well as the central part of the city, it would still be called Midgar. "It looks very good, Tuesti." "Ah Mr president yes we've been moving forward. The soldiers have been culling all the monsters that were affected by mako. Making it safe to live down here. We've begun pulling down the walls including the outer ones. Road construction is beginning, as well as infrastructure for public transportation. Proper homes as well as apartment blocks are also being designed. Schools, parks, hospitals, childrens homes, community centers, we're planning for everything. "Zoos should also be a thing for the endangered species or animals to injured to survive in the wild. Maybe also a place to see plants from all over the world. Museums, art galleries, libraries, too?" "Those are wonderful ideas Mrs Shinra. I'll look into it, and begin the plans to make them a reality."  She was always thinking of things her people had. While her people were awful, they did have a wonderful infrastructure. Their world leaders were afraid of Sentinels returning and taking control of the planet from them. So they executed them as children to ensure that never happened. The one group called Oyoka that had the turbines and low carbon footprint, tried to protect them by hiding the ones that carried the active genes. Which would one day grow up to be Sentinels, were wiped out in what Taya called a genocide. There were none left after the government decided that they were breaking the law. I was done hurting the people of this planet, especially if I can help them instead!

When the first building began to rise in Neo-Midgar. While not my father's vision of the future, this one was a more promising one. It was then that a disease began to make the children sick. Geostigma believed to be caused by the mako reactors. "It's not the reactors Rufus it's her DNA trying to activate in children. Sephiroth has poisoned the children with her DNA causing this sickness. Call Dr Solaris he'll know what to do. Plus her body was destroyed right, but not her head. It's probably in the North creator where she was originally found! My DNA would be poison to hers, it can't be subverted by her's. Maybe the doctor can make a serum from my blood. But he'll need her head to create it." I continued the work on the rebuild, getting the city ready for people to move in. I took the Turks and made our way to the north crater to reclaim the head of Jenova. When we were attacked by Sephiroth remnants. Tseng and Elena were badly injured and I became ill with geostigma. Vincent Valentine a Turk from when I was a child saved theirs and my life. It was right after this I began showing symptoms of geostigma. Dr Solaris had been working on the serum for the better part of the year. It wasn't perfect but it was helping. Luckily my son was able to help me with his blood. Henry was the perfect mix of me and his mother. He was the key to unlocking my geostigma and curing it. "Mr Shinra your son is quite literally a ancient. I don't understand how it happened but I believe any children you have will be Cetra. The same can probably be said for your daughter's children as she almost genetically identical to her mother. Well her DNA differs because of her biological parents, but I believe they were also like them. I just wish I had samples to compare between them. I understand that is not possible, but just having them is an amazing thing." I had taken Taya's family and moved them to a secret family vault so no one could ever find out about them. When I entered my home that evening after my treatment for geostigma. The doctor believing that spacing my treatment would cause less damage to my body. I saw my wife making dinner and my son held in his grandfathers arm. "Hello Andrea how are you this evening?" "Better Taya said your putting in a Honey Bee inn in the new Midgar, is it true?" "It's very true you'll be in the theater district. If we're living in Neo-Midgar I believe my wife would want her father close. That if we wanted a date night, their Papa would be able to babysit for us." He gave a laugh knowing that both children had him wrapped around their little finger. "This little guy, his mom, and your daughter have changed you, very much. For the good Rufus, very much for the good. I must be going I have things to do if I'm getting my own inn again. This is shaping out a much better city then the original Rufus, congratulations on your rebuild." He took his leave a few minutes later. Shaking my hand and kissing my wife and kids goodbye. "Bye dad call me later. We can go get something to eat one afternoon, and tell uncle Jules I love him." I could tell she still missed him, even though they've been seeing each other since Henry was born. He was her lifeline, the reason she was even alive, with me, and a mother to two beautiful children. I came up behind her taking her into my arms, our son held lovingly in her arms. His bright blue eyes looking at me, he was my mirror image except his dimples. Those were all his mother, those dimples are what caught my attention. I knew I needed to tell her that I was going to let myself be kidnapped by the remnants. It was the only way to end this disease, by ending Jenova's curse!

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