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Cloud; Falling into Aerith's church

I awoke suddenly after it felt like someone invaded my mind. I could hear the girl talking to me I was finally able to talk back she explained she was the flower seller in sector 8 it was then I noticed movement behind her. "Sorry I bring the little one to see the flowers here. I didn't know they belonged to someone we never pick them do we Isa." "No mommy we don't!" "I know you, your Rufus Shinra fiance!" She gave a little flinch when Aerith said that. "The girl who sold me flowers, I remember you too!" The doors burst open just then and in walked a couple of Shinra guards and a Turk. He didn't notice her at first more interested in the other girl Aerith. "Reno Sinclair!" "Taya?!....... No fucking way we've been looking for you. The boss hasn't given up on finding you yet. Wait til he finds out your back." Her surprise at seeing him, and him seeing her left his guard down. Leaving me an opening to take him down quickly giving us a chance to escape. "I should be on my way now Isa needs dinner." "Wait come with us." "If I do Aerith, Rufus would have your home overflowing with guards looking for me best we go our own way." "No I won't take no for an answer, plus my house is closer." Aerith picked up the little girl getting a high pitched giggle from her. "I have lots more flowers at my house would you like to see them?"

I spent the afternoon running around with Aerith leaving the girls Taya and Isa with her mother Elmyra. When we returned sometime later they were helping with dinner. Elmyra asked me to leave as soon as possible with no fuss. That night I left as asked, with a promise to never speak to Aerith again. The girl Taya came carrying her baby. "Will you walk me as far as Wall Market I can show you a way around it." Little did we know that Aerith was waiting for us, she guided us back to sector 7 slums gates using a collapsed roadway. Just as they opened up revealing Tifa in a Chocobo carriage. I spoke with Tifa and found out what her plans were. When she told me to link up with the others, although Aerith had other plans. Explaining that the Don could turn everything against you. So we made our way to Wall Market. Taya decided it was time for her to head home with Isa and wished us luck. She reached out to shake my hand I didn't know what to do. "Normally when someone reaches out to shake hands you do this." She shook my hand and gasped, I stared wondering if I hurt her. "It's nothing, it's nice seeing you again after so many years Cloud." Did I know her? How, where, when? "Don't worry you'll remember when it's time. I've got to go." And she was gone.


Now that Isa was old enough to keep our secret I had been heading home for the past six months. With the help from Cloud and Aerith I would be home right before dad show tonight. I made it to my secret way into Wall Market, the way I came in the very first time I met my father. Knowing Cloud and Aerith would say something about seeing me on their way here. Because of a picture of me with my dad and Jules hung in the gym for all to see. I didn't have any choice either Rufus' father had decided to drop the plate on the people of sector 7. The sentinel DNA hard at work telling me exactly what people were thinking or feeling. A few guards in the know that didn't know me were in the market. When Elmyra asked me if I could get somethings for our dinner from the same market. Their thoughts were, 'drop the plate, put the blame on avalanche and wutai' start a new war and there'll be tons of Gil in it for everyone. What did a few lives matter most were avalanche, so the kids would probably grow up to be apart of it too. Best to wipe them out now and be done with them. Then move on to wiping out wutai, putting Shinra on top of the whole world. I wondered if the whispers would try to stop me if I interfered. I would have to try I couldn't let all those people die because some wanted to line their pockets with more gil.


It's been three very long years since I've seen my child. It didn't mean I didn't think about her every day and night. I would work out until I was exhausted, dance until I would pass out from said exhaustion. "Andi she's out there you need to stop worrying, I know it's a father's job to worry." "But I told her to go if somethings happened to her it's my fault. I should've just planned the wedding for her. She could be married living in Midgar with Rufus, and a couple of kids by now. But instead I let her go off to a uncle, I'd never heard of until that night." With that I left Jules in a huff. Going to the inn to prepare for the show tonight. Goodness knows the people need it after two bombings in a months time. I still had to recommend a girl for Corneo audition. I hated him so much now especially when I think about my daughter. I needed to go to the arena and watch the Corneo cup. "Come Honey Bees we're going to the coliseum to watch the fighting." There I sat as a boy caught my eye, for the first time in a long time. I felt inspired by something, and when the other members of the trio said that boy was planning on rescuing a girl from Corneo. I felt a plan begin to form in my mind, with some help from the others it would work. When someone from the gym came to the inn "Jules said you need to come quick! It's the Cloud kid he knows Taya. Even called her by her name when he saw her picture." I made my way to the gym, by the time I got there the boy was gone. "He saw her today Andi she's fine. She had a little girl with her, that looks just like her. Do you think she you know....." "No it's probably her uncle's she was probably out with her and got caught in this." "Well yeah I did get caught up in this. Hi dad, uncle Jules, I hope you don't mind I'm a little late, and I came in through the back." "Taya honey is it really you?" "Wait dad, uncle Jules before you squish me let someone hold Isa! Or maybe one of you want to hold her? She's kinda mine now, my uncle, and his wife are gone. I've been raising her on my own she's like me and Marissa. More like me, though Marissa had a connection like I do to the planet. There's a story I need to tell you from my people. It's about the lost settlers. They left their homes to find the promised land, and I think they did here on Gaia." I knew she was going to ask for something of me, something big! "What do you need me to do, Taya?" She took a deep breath and began to explain by the time she was done it was almost time for my show I had given madam M the permission to send Cloud to me. Jules was playing with Isa. The child who was now my granddaughter, and I would have care of until Taya came back for her. "Papa up?" In that second my heart melted for her, the same as it did for Taya. This was apart of my daughter and therefore apart of me! "Jules you'll have to watch her or have someone you trust watch her while I preform." "Ask Martin you know that Honey boy loves babies!" She was right Martin loved babies. He was always getting roped into babysitting his sister's children because of it. I called him he had no problem hanging out at my home with Isa. "Come back soon baby okay, three years was to long." "I know dad, but I had things to do. I'll be back soon I swear. Take care of Isa for me, I love you dad." With a final hug to Isa, Jules and myself she was gone.


I flew the runner as quickly as I could to sector 7 slums. I jumped out of my ship on the edge of the town. Making my way to the bar Seventh Heaven. "Are you Barret?" "Who the hell's asking?" "I'm asking because they are coming for the plate, president Shinra is going to drop the plate on you! But I can stop it if you get me up to the control panel! So I ask again are you Barret?" "Yeah I'm him so how are you gonna stop it? If Shinra's gonna do something you can't stop them!" "I can because I have an override code, because my fiance was afraid a certain doctor might try hurting me again." He looked shocked! "So we need to go now, but you need to get your daughter someplace safe. I have a airship that will take her to my dad if that's okay with you. Just look for Andrea Rhodea in Wall Market. Because I'm pretty sure they'll take me after I stop this." We made our way to the pillar. "Stay here until we take control of the pillar, then make your way to the top." I stood waiting for them to give the all clear, the fight above raging. When Cloud, Tifa, and Aerith came into view. It was then Tifa shouted out a name. "Wedge" we watched as he made his way crashing down. "Taya, how did you get here?, How did you know?," "Remember who I was! Well I still have people that talk to me, and they said stay out of the sector 7 things are about to get real flat." "I'm going up!" We watched Cloud run up the pillar to help the others. "I'm going too...." "You go, I can get Marlene someplace safe." "She's on her way to my dad. I have an airship that has a autopilot that can return to a beacon I left at my dad's. So she's safe Aerith you need to get out of here. The Turks and the president want you in there control badly. Even if you are unwilling, me it might not be great. But I don't think I'm as valuable as you are. I've heard Rufus mention you, so I know. Help the people evacuate and get out yourself!" With that I took off after Tifa and Cloud. Coming up the stairs just as they were talking to the girl I met in the bar earlier. I grabbed her hand and began healing her wounds. "Go and evacuate with everyone else your in no shape to fight. I've healed you as much as I could without compromising myself." Up we continue until reaching Barret and the helicopter shooting at him. "Take cover that chopper will chew you up!" I made sure they saw me as I stepped out with Cloud and Tifa! It was comical when Reno went to shoot at us and Rude stopped him. "So whatcha gonna do? I'm up here you shoot there's a very good chance you'll hit me. Barret did you get word to those on the upper part to evacuate?" "Yeah most of the homes are empty as of now." I knew if Tseng was coming I wouldn't have a chance to stop it. "Tifa this is my override code, don't shoot the machine!" I gave Barret a hard stare, "It'll still have quite a few pieces fall but it won't be a catastrophe. Good luck guys! Cloud you'll let him take me, promise?, I'll be fine. The most awful thing that'll happen is that I'll be married off!"


"Boss we've got a huge problem! I think your presence is needed here." "I'm on my way." As I pushed the helicopter towards the pillar I could see the issue. Why weren't they dealing with them, it was then I saw her Taya Rhodea. The fiance of my boss there was no way to get around this. I called him, "Sir I've found your wayward would be wife! She is at this moment standing in the way of the job we've been ordered to do." "I don't want her harmed bring her to me immediately!" "Reno you are to move in Rude lay down cover. I will deal with Taya." As I took to the roof the so called soldier tried protecting her as Reno made for the console. I watched as he switched from me to him giving me a chance to grab Taya. "Time to go home Ms Taya. You've been absent from Mr Shinra for way too long of late." I returned to the tower that held Mr Shinra's penthouse. As we started to land he stood there waiting. He took her off the helicopter before I had fully landed it. Dragging her along side him because of his larger strides. I wouldn't want to be her at this moment.

Under A Steal Sky; FFVII A Rufus Shinra HEAWhere stories live. Discover now