Jenova in Plain Sight

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My husband was gone again playing sick, allowing the remnants to take him. The last remains of Jenova hidden in an airtight box he kept on him. While he was gone I worked with Tuesti on Neo-Midgar finishing the teardown of the old Midgar the last of the pillars gone. I made a trip to the church with the kids, Isa was almost six years old and Henry was going to be two years old in just a few weeks. Standing inside the building I could see Tifa, she was unconscious on the floor of the church. "Isa hold your brother for mom okay." Cloud came flying inside heading for myself and Tifa. "Do you know what happened Cloud?" "Sephiroth's remnants they're looking for the remains of Jenova. They think I have her, I don't!" "I have the car I can take her home, you can follow behind. Wait where's Marlene?" Just then Tifa came too, "Cloud they took her, they took Marlene and I think they have Denzel, too!" "Shh, it's okay Tifa I'll save them! You need to go home and rest! Taya's here, she has a car she can take you home." "No Cloud I'll go with you, I want to save the kids. It was then the door to the church burst open and in came the remnants Kadaj, Loz, and Yazoo! I pulled my children behind me, to protect them from the danger that stood before us. "Taya go take your kids and run!" Tifa didn't have to tell me twice I picked up my son and pulled my daughter's hand and ran out the backdoor! As we made our way to the front, where the car sat I see Reno and Rude come into view. "Help them, I'm going straight home." Rude stopped me, holding me, looking to be sure I was okay. "You okay Mrs Shinra?" "I'm fine but Cloud and Tifa are fighting the remnants inside the church!" I watched as they rushed in I sat in the car with the doors locked. I waited to see if they were alright. Awhile later the three remnants ran off, not paying any attention to us in the car. I see Rude carrying Tifa, and Reno has an unconscious Cloud. I waited as they put them in their car, and followed them back to the city. They drove me right up to the door of my house, leaving once I was safely inside with my kids.

A few days later I see Tifa with Marlene in town square Cloud managed to rescue her. They were trying to convince Denzel to come home with them. My children were with my father and uncle Jules while I picked up some groceries we needed. "Tifa what's going on?" "They've done something to the kids that have geostigma. They're attacking people!" "Taya they had them in a pool of mako, but it wasn't like any mako I had seen before." I couldn't do anything, but help Tifa and Marlene to try getting Denzel back. When Cloud, Reno, and Rude showed up, with Reno pulling me away. "Please Taya, Rufus would kill us if anything happens to you or the kids! You should go home and stay there until it's safe. If you need anything, just give me a call and I'll get it for you." "Reno it isn't your job to take care of us! I knew going in that Rufus was a take action kind of guy. That he was the type to get his hands dirty, when it's something he wants. Look at how he pursued me, I saw the flyers for any information, or knowledge of my werabouts." "Please for once be reasonable, Taya! I'm just doing what is expected. Just go home let us handle this okay!" "Fine, but Reno make sure my husband comes home in at least one piece!" With that I returned home sending my shopping list to him.

I returned to the house, to see my father and uncle watching the kids play. "Oh hello dear I thought you'd be longer, did something happen?" "You could say that dad, some kids that have geostigma are attacking people in the center of town. Reno made me come back home for my safety. Said Rufus would be upset if me or the kids got hurt. So here I am, hello uncle Jules how were they?" "Complete and utter terrors! Isa is becoming just like Rufus, she can extort anything she wishes from someone! She all charm and class just like her daddy!" Granted we all knew that Rufus wasn't Isa bio father, but she seemed to be his exact copy. She could flash a smile here, or a pout there and she'd get her way, just like her daddy! Although her blackmail attempts on Rufus were doomed to failure, as he could see right through what she was trying to do. In fact her and Marlene were so far away from other six year olds. The two seemed more like teens then children, even my son Henry was advanced for being just two years old. I thought about Rufus, and hoped he'd be home soon. He was missing out on the children growing, Henry had grown two full inches in the past weeks.

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