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Taya; 5 years before events

Birthdays were hard for me I spent the day before visiting my biological parents grave. I still worried about Dane and his wife Marissa, who had been in engineering at the time of the crash. Only the bridge and my crash pod were here upon me waking up after the crash. Then the runner my dad's people found. The part of the ship that engineering was in was missing. The day I was found, was my gifted birthday from Andrea and Jules. They said it was to celebrate me coming into their lives, and completely changing them. When I came downstairs to the main part of our house, I saw that my dad, Jules, and Rufus were already here. "Rufus has a gift for you, dear. I want you to try again like before okay?" "Yes dad, I'll try." Since I had gone to Shinra tower and a art gallery with Rufus. He was pushing me past my comfort zone constantly. "I have tickets to loveless theater for a play, we have a private box so not to many people around. So will you try going?" "Yes, I always wanted to go to a play. Thank you Rufus!" We had a leisurely breakfast celebrating my birthday. When I decided to ask about the genetic testing they were doing on my blood samples. "The doctor thinks it's a mutated gene in your code. We're very hopeful to have a cure soon. If not a work around, so you don't get sick ever again."

Hours later I was getting ready to go to the theater. My dad and uncle Jules bought me a special dress for my birthday. Some of the Honey bee's helped with my hair and makeup. Rufus said he'd send Tseng to pick me up and to bring me to him as he had meetings the rest of the day. "Taya, Tseng is here." I came downstairs and was greeted by the austere man. "Why Taya you look very lovely tonight. Also here is a gift from the Turks, please open it." It was a bracelet with stars engraved on it. "It's beautiful thank you." "You are very welcome, Reno said that you were in awe of the stars. As you live somewhere that they aren't seen we decided to give you your very own. Shall we go?" I nodded and let him guide me to a helicopter. The helicopter rides always thrilled me, I was always careful with my expressions not to let anyone know it did so. And well Tseng was an excellent pilot, but I also knew that Rufus was just as good if not better. We landed on the rooftop of Shinra tower, he guided me to Rufus' father. "Hello Taya, and happy birthday!" "Thank you, president Shinra." "Well now I have some news for you, we're trying to make a medicine for your allergy. We're so very close. It's in the beginning stages of testing, and before you ask no you will not be apart of the testing. We're hopeful that you'll have it by your next birthday. Now I'm afraid I have to ask for a few more blood samples, at some point during the trials. Are you willing to work with us on this?" What else could I say as apparently I wasn't the only one on this planet that had this allergy, but most died as children. "Of course I will help I don't want anyone dying from this anymore. Even I'm lucky to have survived this long, and that's only due to my parents due diligence on my care." He smiled and thanked me just as Rufus came into the office. "Ah I see you've beaten me to the point father! I would've eventually asked Taya. Well we should get going don't want to be late now do we." He pulled me from the room and out to the elevators. "How long have you been keeping it from me Rufus?" He looked at me with a sad smile and said, "About 6 months now. I didn't like the idea of taking blood work every month for an unspecified amount of time. So I put off asking you about it. So my father took matters into his own hands and intercepted you." I leaned forward and kissed his cheek right next to his mouth, as he was so much taller than me. The blush on both our cheeks rose, "Thank you for that Taya. As you know technically we can't be dating yet your too young. But when you are older be ready, as I have plans for us! Now let's go see that play."

Rufus Shinra:

Taya, was completely engrossed in the play giving me time to study her features. We played the game perfectly me the caring potential boyfriend, and my father trying to find a cure. To help the girl I cared about. She was the key to creating our own ancients! Hojo had found that her DNA was the baseline of all ancients DNA. If the reason for this was to create another ancient the children who didn't survive, weren't strong enough to make the transition. Hojo believed that not all ancients were born some were made. My father and him thought exposure to Jenova cells might awaken her ancient DNA. But it was to risky at present, with how her blood responded to the Jenova cells.

Under A Steal Sky; FFVII A Rufus Shinra HEAWhere stories live. Discover now