Chapter 16

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Amy: I need a status update on the evacuation.

Espio: Espio here. I've saved as many as I could. But I believe there are still civilians in need of assistance.

Soldier: We're searching for however many we can. Rook. Rook, you there?

Me: Yeah, just in conflict. I'm kinda surrounded here. Bots, bots, bots everywhere.

Espio: Need help, Rook?

Me: I'm fine, just got to... HIYAA!!

With one swing of lighting, all of the bots around me were shattered into nothing but scrap.

Me: NOW I'm good.

Espio: Good. I sense more civilians in the wreckage not 200 yards ahead of you. Go check it out, Rookie.

Me: Roger that.

I rushed straight ahead and after striking a few robots with my lightning whip, I reached the pile of rubble. An old school building. I searched the small vicinity for an entry and found the complete opposite of what I had wanted: more robots, guarding the doors. Immediately, they started firing on me, but with quick reflexes and a lightning whip, I dodged every shot fired at me and struck them down like a hot knife through melted butter.

Me: Good. Now to-

I was cut off by something very heavy slamming into my side, knocking me off my feet. I tried to push myself to my feet, but something was weighing me down. And it didn't take long to find out what, or WHO.

Infinite: Hey, Gadget.

Me: Jackal, get off me.

Infinite: Not until you say something about yourself that you're too embarrassed to say. There are many means of torture, but the revaluation of an embarrassing moment in life REALLY makes fun torture.

Me: I said get off me.

Infinite: Would you like my boot on your throat instead of your spine?

Me: Get. Off.

Infinite: We're all going to burn in Hell. Why not send you there quicker?

The weight on my back moved away, but I was instantly met with a searing pain in my leg. It only took one look, and that was all I needed to see that my foot was trapped under a burning support beam. It hurt like Hell, and I couldn't move. I growled and stared right at the masked figure that was Infinite.


Infinite: Wolf bitch. Face it, Rook. You're done. I have no time for you. Try thinking your way out of this, preferably BEFORE the fire jumps to you.

He started to slowly walk away into the city of destruction as I kept tugging at my leg. No luck. I couldn't reach my Lightning since it was knocked away from me. I kept staring at the slowly moving Jackal, then took a deep breath and howled at the orange sky. I swear, he looked back at me and howled with me.

I kept struggling to move my foot from under the beam when it lifted itself up all by its own. I coughed up a healthy chunk of smoke as the wooden beam was thrown I think 30 feet from where I was. I only knew one thing: I had gotten into the Jackal's mind.

Speaking of, I was also lifted off the ground, ten feet or so into the air, and face to face with the now-maskless Jackal.

Infinite: Why did you howl?

Me: I had to. It was the only way you'd see me, that I'd actually need helped.

Infinite: I don't give a flying fuck what you think, Rookie. You'll always be in the way. You think of yourself as a damn hero, when really you should see yourself as one of the citizens here.

Eyes Of A Rookie (Infinite and Rookie)Where stories live. Discover now