Chapter 24

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Peering over the cliff edge right outside of Eggman's Fortress, Asteroid in hand, I glanced down at the battlefield as the commander and crew lined up in front of COUNTLESS others, both allies and cloned enemies. Adjusting my satchel and tracking whatever was down in the field, the only surprise was that there were a lot more allies than I previously thought. I honestly thought we'd be outnumbered 7 to 1, but that spectrum dropped to around 3 to 1.

Tightening my bandana Ivy gave me and staring around at the base, I caught a faint glint of purple and maroon from near the edge of the base. I crouched lower and reaching for the binoculars next to me as the fight, the long awaited battle, was underway. Eyeballing the battle, many clones and many allies fought vigorously and valiantly against each opposition.

Me: And I thought those old plug-and-plays had small displays. Oh wait, wrong way. Ummm... flip these around and, yep this is a battle alright.

Tails: I'd bet there to be a difference of three to one between us and them. Us one, them three.

Me: You know, strangely... I had fun with you guys. I don't know why, or HOW for that matter, but I... I don't know? Really, I don't.

Tails: It doesn't matter if we had fun with this, it's a war we have to go through.

???: Oh my god, Gadget, is that you?

My ears flicked right up as I pulled my eyes from my binoculars and looked at where the voice came from. It was an old friend, a friend I had lost two months prior. The gray female rabbit, Luna, the one that was crushed under rubble during my first encounter with Infinite.

My old gray friend softly limped her way over to me, as I climbed to my feet and hung my binoculars by their strap around my neck. Luna wasn't even a foot away when she hopped towards me and embraced me in a really strong and tight hug. It felt awkward to hug someone you haven't seen in months, much less being hugged in who knows how long. Nevertheless, I wrapped my arms around her midsection and, against all odds, started to shed a few tears.

Me: L-Luna? It... It's been so fucking long. I... I thought you died.

Luna: Gadget, calm down a bit. I get it, you worried a bit. I'm fine, It looked like a lot, because it was, and I DID shatter two ribs. And had a collapsed lung. AND even broke both my tibias in two places EACH. But all in all, I can heal pretty quickly. Still have a bit of a limp, but I'm okay, really.

Me: Good enough to fight with us? That's all anyone wonders.

Luna: Gadget, I'm fine. Please understand that. I can fight. At least I'll give it all I got. Even though all I have isn't too much.

Tails: Ummm guys, I hate to bother your reconnection, but LOOK!

Letting go of my old friend and peering into the sky, all I could see was a dimmer, yet brightly colored fireball not even a few miles from the ground. Swallowing my pride and grabbing Asteroid from my satchel, I handed the set of binoculars to Luna and tipped my head at her. All she did was shakily not back, yet had a slight glint of fire in her eyes.

Luna: Gadget, I'm a little scared. What do we do?

Tails: H-Hey. Your satchel, it's glowing. Wait, that means... there was another Phantom Ruby left. Y-You could use that to counter the effects of the created sun. It's desperate, and I really don't want to doubt it, but I don't have doubt. I think- no, I KNOW it'll work. It HAS to, it's our only shot.

Me: I'm not one to doubt, but crazy or not, at least we have to try. Wish me luck guys, I'll se you on the other side.

Luna: Don't say that, Gadget. Please don't, but... if you think it's a risk worth taking... fuck it, do it. Fight onward, you crazy bastard.

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