Chapter 27

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Back at base where bottles of celebratory beer was being passed around like a guitar at an outskirts-of-town country campfire, I found myself by my lonesome near the farthest corner of the main room near the med bay. I... "encouraged" Zero to at LEAST get himself checked up by everyone who knew medicine, and by "encouraged" I meant "promised" him that he'd be fine. As for everyone else, whatever they did, that's their problems, except for the fact that Daniel wasn't one to try and drink himself to sleep, because he felt morally obligated to protecting CJ at all costs because of the argument we had not even two days ago.

Me: Some fucking party. Heh, well, at least I have a bottle. Not resorting to alcoholism anytime soon, but a beer's a beer. Nothing it can't fix.

Taylor: Hey, hero. What's been eating you since we got back?

I drearily glanced up at the closest friend I've had since I don't know HOW LONG ago and tipped my bottle to her. She clanged her bottle against mine and set herself down beside me, and as we swigged our bottles, I felt a more uncomfortable atmosphere surround me. Like... it felt like Taylor had cared about me, very strongly, but had... never said anything about it, and that's what was making things awkward. She felt love, however she felt love for someone that was already taken, but she didn't want to accept it. At least that's how I interpret the uncomfortable silence.

Taylor: So.... *ahem* How do you feel that you'll be recognized as a hero, Gadget? I mean not ALL of us have to get all the credit, we're still just a bunch of late teens, after all.

Me: I... I don't know what to feel about it right now. Sure I'm a hero, but... I'm also falling in love with the enemy. I just don't know what everyone's thinking.

Taylor: Who knows what others think? Matter of fact, who CARES what others think? Dammit, I tipped my beer a bit far.

Me: Don't lean over and lick it up. ESPECIALLY if your back's turned to me. I don't want to see THAT part of you. I really don't, and I'm sorry I even brought that up.

Taylor: It... doesn't matter. It really doesn't. Hey, dude, I can see something in your eyes that's not right from six months ago. Is that... is that the gaze of feeling like you accomplished something extremely noteworthy?

Me: Taylor... you know what? Yeah, that's what it is. The steely gaze of the Wolf who saved the world. Fuck, I feel good. But... I don't know, Taylor. I know Zero's... well, he's the enemy, I JUST said this, but I think it's true love.

Taylor: True love? I'll... I can see that happening, Gadget. If your heart says it's true, then believe it all you want. Hell, I KNOW you two are right for each other. Besides... I see why you fell so far and so hard for him.

Me: He's... he's so fucking hot. I have to admit it, because if I don't, everyone else will catch on. I don't know what it is, though. Is it his eyes? Maybe it's his colorations, maybe... it's his rugged voice.

Taylor: Or MAYBE it's because of the size of his-

Me: Taylor shut up. Besides, I haven't even SEEN him below his belt line. Have you?

Taylor: I... If I did, it passed over my head quicker than a bomber jet. I mean, if you don't know what it's like-

Me: Taylor quit asking me, I'm not one to judge size. Really, I'm not. But... I'm quite curious about him. There's so much I don't know about him, it's not even funny.

Taylor: Hey, I think he may want one of these. Snag one from Shadow and take it to him. I'm sure he won't mind, seeing as he's chatting with the guys over there. Oh, I just remembered I was gonna help CJ with cleaning up hisself. Hey, Gadget before I go, I hate to ask but... do you hate me?

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