Chapter 3

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I walked to my class and found my friends waiting for me. They were anxious to know if I was settled at our friend's house. I was dying to tell them that I was staying at Jace's house, but he told me that I was not allowed to tell. We went to lunch together and Jace came in and stood in line behind me. I could feel his breath on my neck, but I did not turn around to look at him. I paid for my lunch and went to sit with Izzy and Maia while Jace went to sit with his friend Alec. He looked at me and I looked at the floor so that he would not think I was looking at him even though I was. Simon came running towards our table like a lunatic and put his arm around me and kissed me. Jace was looking right at us, so I pushed Simon away from me so hard that he almost fell.

"Why the hell did you push me away like that? I almost fell."

"Well, you should not be putting your arm around me and kissing me without asking!"

"You are my girl, Clary, you know that."

"No, I am not. I am no one's girl, got that!"

I dumped my lunch in the trash and threw my tray on the counter. Simon made me so angry hugging and kissing me like that while Jace was looking. I do not want him to think that I have a boyfriend. The only way out of the cafeteria was by where Jace was sitting, so I passed by without looking at him. He was staring at me, I could feel it. I kept walking without looking back. The rest of the day went by without incident until Simon decided to wait for me at the school entrance. Dam it, I have to walk to the back parking lot where Jace's car is before he drives off and leaves me, but Simon is waiting for me.

"Hey Clary, I want to ask you something."

"What is it, Simon. I have to go home."

"I wanted to see if you want to go out with me, maybe to a movie or something on Friday."

"The answer is no, Simon, I do not date."

"What, are you waiting for Herondale to ask you out? You know that will never happen. He turned you down last month when you asked him."

"I am not waiting for Jace to ask me out. I just do not want to date anyone."

I walked away from Simon before he made any other smartass remarks. I did not realize that Jace came looking for me and had heard the whole thing. When I reached the car, he was leaning against it looking at me with a smirk on his face. At the moment, I was not in the mood to go at it with him.

"What are you smirking about Jace?"

"So you do not want to date?"

"You were listening to a private conversation?"

"Well, you get a little loud when you are upset or angry about something. I could not help listening in to see what was going on with you. Simon seems like a nice guy and he follows you around like a puppy."

"Simon is not my type and I am not interested in dating him."

"So, who are you interested in dating?"

"That is none of your business, Jace. Are we going home or what?"

"Sure, get in the car."


I was looking for Clary so that we can go home. I saw her talking to Simon so I kind of stood close enough to listen to what they were talking about. Simon asked her out and she told him that she did not want to date him or anyone else. It bothered me that Simon asked her out. Wait, what? Why should it bother me if anyone asks Clary out? Is not like she is my girlfriend or something, but it does bother me. I am not sure why I feel this way about her. No, I am not interested in her, I cannot be. My goal is to finish high school and go on to college and have a career before I even think of dating. When I saw her coming towards the car, I had a smirk on my face. She really looked angry. When Clary sees my face, of course, she had to ask me.

"What are you smirking about Jace?"

"So you do not want to date?"

"You were listening to a private conversation?"

"Well, you get a little loud when you are upset or angry about something. I could not help listening in to see what was going on with you. Simon seems like a nice guy and he follows you around like a puppy."

"Simon is not my type and I am not interested in dating him."

"So, who are you interested in dating?"

"That is none of your business, Jace. Are we going home or what?"

"Sure, get in the car."

I pulled out of the parking lot and started to drive home. The ride was quiet and I kept looking at Clary. She really looked upset. Something about this girl has my attention, but I do not know what it is. I had to break the ice.

"A penny for your thoughts. You still look upset."

"I am upset. Simon has been after me since middle school and I do not know how many times I have told him that my feelings for him are not the same as his. He is just a friend to me and nothing more. The person that I really like does not give me the time of day. It is so frustrating."

"You like me, and I turned you down. I am sorry, but I do not want to date either. I have set some goals for my future and dating is nowhere in those goals. Maybe later, when I am in college or after graduating from college, I might be interested in dating. For now, girls are nothing but a distraction."

"I always thought that I would date the right guy, who would be my high school sweetheart. We would study together and help each other out through school. Then after graduation, we would find a job in our field and plan our wedding. Maybe have a couple of kids and a house with a white picket fence. But that is just me."

I smiled at her and nodded my head without saying a word. For some reason, a picture of us popped into my mind and I quickly came back to reality. Why would that happen? I am not interested in her, am I? We arrived home and Clary ran upstairs and straight to her room slamming the door. I walked up and was going to knock on the door when I heard her sobbing. I walked back to my room. About an hour later, I knocked but did not get an answer, so I opened the door slowly and peeked in. She was sound asleep with a letter laying next to her and I saw that the letter was addressed to me, so I decided to read it.

Dear Jace,

My name is Clary Fray and I am also a freshman. The day I saw you walk across the stage on the first day of school, I could not breathe. You are the most gorgeous guy I have ever seen. When I looked into your eyes and saw you smile, I fell in love with you. You are my first love because I have never felt like this before for any other boy. My dream is for us to get to know each other and eventually date, who knows what the future will bring. I will do anything to meet your expectations, for you to be proud of me just as I am proud of you.

With all my love,


This is when I fell in love with Clary.

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