Chapter 20

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Graduation Day


Here it is graduation day and the end of our high school lives. I have no regrets since I have accomplished everything that I wanted. Conquering and winning Jace's love was on the top of my list and I won him over. Now, we are engaged and sleeping together. We are planning on it forever. There were lots of girls and all their eyes were on Jace, but he did not look at any of them because his eyes were for me alone. Everyone gasped when he came up to me, held my face in his hands, and kissed me. Then he put his arm around my waist and entered the auditorium together for our graduation ceremony. After the ceremony, it was off to our graduating party with dinner and dancing. I thought it was going to be a normal night, but someone decided to make the night interesting. Everyone was sitting at their tables and having fun during dinner. Then the DJ started the music and everyone started dancing and having fun. Then Kailie Whitewillon decided to make her move. You see, Kailie has been after Jace to but he had rejected her more than he rejected me. She was out to make her point across tonight., 

"Hey Clary, do you want to dance with me?"."

"Well, of course, Jace Herondale, I thought you would never ask."

"Now why would I not ask my beautiful fiancee to dance with me. It is a chance to show you off to everyone here. After all, you are all mine now."

We went to the dance floor and started dancing and having a good time. After dancing and drinks, I needed to use the ladies' room and freshen up. I excused myself and left. When I came out I looked around for Jace but did not see him anywhere. One of Kailie's friends told me that Jace went down a hallway and pointed the direction to me. I went to the hallway and walked down looking for him. Well, in a way I feel like I should have not looked for him. He was leaning against the wall with Kailie standing in front of him. I could not see his face or understand why he would be alone with Kailie like this. As I got closer, Kaelie put her arms around his neck and kissed him. I walked up to them and made sure that they heard me coming.

"Jace, how could you! How could you do this after all the things you said to me."

"Clary, wait, please. It is not what it seems."

"If it were true, you would not have come here with her. Do not talk to me ever again."

I stormed out of there and out of the hotel. My head was in turmoil and I did not even know where I was going. All I know that I needed to get away from Jace. How could he do something like this and we are supposed to be engaged? It started raining and I was drenched, tears and rain running down my face. I tripped and fell to my knees and just stood there crying when I felt strong arms wrap around me. I screamed because I did not know who it was, but it was Jace. He was drenched too and had run out after me and finally caught up. I did not want him to touch me after he was touching her.

"What are you doing here, Jace? You do not love me. If you did you would not have found yourself in that predicament. "

"Clary, please listen to me. It was a setup to break us up. I realized what was happening too late and did not have time to stop it before you found us. Kailie lied to me to get me down that hall. She said you needed help and then she pushed me against the wall and kissed me when she heard you coming. You know that I only want you and only you. I have never lied to you about falling in love with you. Have I not proven it to you?"

At this, he pulled me into his arms and kissed me deep with desperation. I can feel his heart pounding in his chest and his body trembled as he kissed me. I felt all his love in the kiss and I finally gave in and parted my lips to him and he took control of my mouth and kept kissing me until we had to stop to catch our breaths.

"Let us go back and get the car and go home. I have to talk to our parents."

"What about?"

"You will see. Let us go before we catch colds.


Graduation was finally here. After the ceremony, we went to the hotel where the dinner and party were going to be. After the dinner finished the music started and I asked Clary to dance with me.

"Hey Clary, do you want to dance with me?"."

"Well, of course, Jace Herondale, I thought you would never ask."

"Now why would I not ask my beautiful fiancee to dance with me. It is a chance to show you off to everyone here. After all, you are all mine now."

Clary excused herself to go to the ladies' room and I just mingled around with the people I knew. Kailie came running to me and told me that something was wrong with Clary, so I followed her.

"Jace, you have to come with me. Something is wrong with Clary.

"Kailie, where is she? What happened?"

"I am not sure, just follow me."

I was so worried about Clary, that I did not even think that this was a setup. The next thing I knew, she pushed me into the wall and stood with me. I heard some footsteps coming towards us when Kailie put her arms around my neck and kissed me. When I pushed her away it was too late, because Clary was there and saw what happened. She looked angry and hurt at the same time.

"Jace, how could you! How could you do this after all the things you said to me."

"Clary, wait, please. It is not what it seems."

"If it were true, you would not have come here with her. Do not talk to me ever again."

She ran away from me without giving me a chance to explain. Kailie started laughing and I lost control of myself and slapped her face, hard. I ran after Clary, asking everyone along the way if anyone has seen her. Finally, I run out of the hotel and just keep running until I see her up ahead of me. It started raining hard and I was drenched. When I finally catch up to Clary, she is on her knees, soaking wet, sobbing so hard her whole body was trembling. I fell on my knees behind her and just wrapped my arms and held her tight.

"What are you doing here, Jace? You do not love me. If you did you would not have found yourself in that predicament. "

"Clary, please listen to me. It was a setup to break us up. I realized what was happening too late and did not have time to stop it before you found us. Kailie lied to me to get me down that hall. She said you needed help and then she pushed me against the wall and kissed me when she heard you coming. You know that I only want you and only you. I have never lied to you about falling in love with you. Have I not proven it to you?"

At this, I pulled her into my arms and kissed her deep with desperation. She can feel my heart pounding in my chest and my body trembled as I kissed her. I put all my love in the kiss and she finally gave in and parted her lips to me and I took control of her mouth and kept kissing her until we had to stop to catch our breaths.

"Let us go back and get the car and go home. I have to talk to our parents."

"What about?"

"You will see. Let us go before we catch colds.

We arrived home and mom got us some towels for us to dry off. They were looking at us like they knew something happened.

"Jace, why are you and Clary soaking wet? Did your car break down?"

"No, mom, Clary, and I had a misunderstanding and got caught in the rain. Now I need to talk to you about something important."

"What is it, son?" My dad and Uncle Val just looked at us.

"How fast can you guys put a wedding together? I want to get married in two weeks."

"Jace, you want to marry me in two weeks? Are you sure?"

"I have never been sure of anything I have done in my life, Clary, but marrying you is the best decision I have ever made/"

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