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I always thought we'd be together and make it work but not everything goes the way we want it too.
The news finally calmed down after I left and came back to Busan. Maybe they knew I'd leave eventually if they kept getting worse. It broke me to leave especially without a goodbye, but it had to be done.
I was wiping down the tables when the bell on the door went off. Looking up from the table a young girl walked in waiting for me to take her order.
Y/n: I'll be right with you!
I gathered up my stuff and hurried over to the register.
??: you're y/n, right?
Y/n: umm yes, I am. May I ask why you're asking?
??: oh no reason, just
She reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out a gun pointing it right at me.
??: Jimins mine! And you're in my way!

I couldn't even register what happened before she pulled the trigger and ran out of the cafe as fast as possible.
J/m: omg y/n! No! No! No!
She rushed to my side while Jimin's father called 911. My body is in so much shock I couldn't even feel anything.
J/m: can you hear me?!!! Y/n!! Answer me please!!!

Her words sound like she's talking from miles away and I can't understand anything. My vision blurred and darkness starts swallowing me whole.
Jerking up from the bed, sweat dripping down my forehead, Jimin's mom sat next me with a worried look.
J/m: are you ok honey?

I nodded and used my hand to wipe some of the sweat off.
Y/n: was I yelling again?
J/m: you screamed once but the rest of the time you were jerking around
Next to her she had a bowl of water and a rag that she dabbed on my head trying to keep me cool.
Y/n: I'm sorry mom. I don't know what's happening.
J/m: it's alright sweetie
She brushed her hand over my hair in a soothing way.
J/m: it was the nightmare again wasn't it?
Y/n: yeah
I laid against the headboard looking straight in font of me.
Y/n: why am I having this dream over and over?
J/m: I don't know but I do know that you're strong and will get through it.

I gave her a smile and leaned down to lay my head on her lap. She's Jimin's mom but she's always treated me like her daughter.
J/m: close your eyes and try to sleep y/n
My eyes closed and my breathing steadied while she ran her fingers through my hair. It's something I've always liked done to me.

Jimin does it a lot when he comes home to visit. All these dreams are probably just my mined playing with me because I miss him. It's been almost six months since I've last seen him and it the longest we have ever gone away from each other since he became an idol.

When he first went to soul for auditions I went with him and I was with him through it all but eventually I had to leave. I came back to Busan and continued to work in the cafe but it was really hard without him.

Nightmares are a big thing for me when I get stressed or anxious about something. I'm very anxious about when he'll come back to visit. I've been with him since high school and he's already been an idol for three almost four years.

We have made it work and even kept our relationship a secret from everyone except the members and the company.

I'd usually go and visit him more then he could come visit me here even though I know he misses his parents and his brother as well. He just never has the extra time for that, we text and call almost every day just so we won't go crazy without each other.

Funny thing though because those calls always make me miss him more. Something that makes me more anxious is that he hasn't even called or text me in three days. It's not like him to do that at all.
J/d: is she asleep yet?
I could hear him whispered from the door.
J/m: I think so
She carefully picked my head up off her lap and placed it on the pillow trying not to wake me up.

Although I'm not completely asleep I'm too exhausted to do anything.
J/d: I hope he comes to see her soon. It's terrible to watch her like this.
J/m: I know honey, I don't like it either.
Both of them walked out the door after turning the lamp off and went to bed.

I think that was what I needed too because I fell right to sleep thinking about Jimin.

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