Chapter 15

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After a few drinks of wine I start getting tipsy while Kars sits with his regular expression only with a faint blush.

I say getting worried "I should go! I-I'm tired!" Kars takes my wrist and places my hand against the part of his robe that reveals his rock hard chest.

I freeze and he says kind of sloppily "Stay~ you, you've got to stay with me I need you~"

He pushes me onto the floor and I start laughing for no reason, he places a sloppy kiss on my collar bone.

I moan and he kisses it more a few times before falling beside me, I don't know what possed me to do so but I climb and sit on his waist.

I start roaming my hands in his robe, he just lays there staring at me with half shut eyes, I open up his robe a bit more and kiss his chest.

He mumbles "So adorable.." I look up and see something interesting, I lean over him and say "Do you have fangs?" he replies slowly "I can hide them... But I.... Just show them now..."

I watch as his fangs retract back and turn into regular teeth, I say "Noooo... Bring them back, please~" he brings them back.

He holds the back of my neck and Kars gently grazes them along my collarbone before biting down.

I wince but then grunt feeling his tongue lick up the blood, when he pulls away I lean in and lock lips with his.

We end up in a heated make out session but then we ended up passing out with me ontop of him.


When I wake up in the morning I find myself rising and sinking on Kars's chest, I crawl off him with wide eyes and look at the empty wine bottle on the floor.

'What have you done me...' I turn away from Kars's sleeping body and drag my hand down my face in stress.

I pick up the wine bottle and walk out with the empty glasses in my other hand.


When I arrive in the kitchen I find Esidisi and ask "Do you remember where I put the empty wine bottles?" Esidisi takes it from me and puts it in the recycling bin.

I say thank you go washing the glasses out in the sink with a little bit of dishwashing liquid.

Esidisi asks "So how did it go?" while taking a glass from me and drying it. I say with a fake smile and giggle "I don't really remember must've been the wine. I remember being drunk though because of my headache".

Esidisi says "Pills are in Kars's bathroom if you wish to relieve it. I presume you two share the bedroom since you're a couple".

I nod and say "Thank you" I think 'Wow, Esidisi is starting to open up and trust me more, it's going to hurt when the truth comes out though...'


Walking to Kars room, when I open the door I find my phone buzzing inside the bedside table.

I quickly walk over, grab my phone out of the drawer of the bedside table and turn my phone on silent.

'I can't let my phone be seen buzzing especially if it's from Lisa Lisa... The last thing I want is for Kars or Esidisi to find out the truth'.

I hide my phone under the mattress of the bed and walk into the bathroom. I go looking for pills and as I am looking in the cupboards I hear the door of the bedroom open.

I ask out loud "Kars is that you? I'm just looking for the pain killers for my headache, do you know where they are?"

I hear a devilish voice speak "Oh honey, don't worry I do" I yelp and turn around to see Dio Brando relaxing against the bathroom door frame.

He says with a smirk "You're two aren't a couple huh?" I reply "So what if we are? It's none of your buisness what I do, and what are you doing here!?"

Dio says putting a finger to his lips "Kars doesn't know I'm here darling~ ssshh..."

I ask "Why are you here though?" he says "I was supposed to be congratulating Kars because now I have a chance of stabbing him in the back, all because his band split".

I ask "Elaborate please" he says "Kars can't make anymore music without his entire band, I made music to give Kars extra money, if I stop, he will be broke to put it simply for your low intelligent brain".

I ask "Alright, why are you telling me this?" Dio walks towards me and tilts my chin up with his black colored finger nail.

He whispers "Because I know you're going to stab him in the back too".

I stare at him in shock, he isn't wrong. Dio offers his hand to me and says "Want to work together darling? I can't do it without you."

Before I can answer I see a flash of purple curly hair behind Dio, I see Kars throw Dio out of the bathroom.

Dio stumbles a bit and Kars takes my hand still wearing his robe from last night, he says "Please don't touch my girlfriend".

Dio puts his finger into his black turtle neck and says with a pout "You grabbed me quite hard Kars ouch, well I just came in to say hello to Y/n".

Dio says "Well, since I'm obviously not wanted, bye Y/n darling~"

He waves and sees himself out of the room and mansion entirely.

Kars turns to me and rubs the sides of my shoulders, he asks "Are you alright?"

I nod and say "I was just trying to find the painkillers for my headache, do you know where they are?"

Kars leads me back into the bedroom and opens the bedside table drawer, 'Thank goodness I moved my phone...'

He pulls out a box of painkillers and hands it to me, he says "Don't take too much okay, don't want you to feel worse" he bends down and kisses my cheek before walking past me.

(JJBA - Kars x Reader) The Pillar Mens MaidWhere stories live. Discover now