Chapter 25

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I chase the bird into the mansion, I turn a corner and fall onto my knees, I look back to see a man in questionable purple clothes and ginger hair with his foot out.

He says "Now that's a sight to see, since when did Dio let h/c haired, childish women in here?" I stand up and he says "Why are you not dead yet, better yet, why are you still wearing clothes".

I reply "I'm apparently Dio's right hand woman, I'm not one of his sluts" the ginger says picking between his teeth with his long fingernail "You're right, Dio wouldn't want to fuck an arrogant woman like you, he prefers the skinny ones who can give him a proper blow job".

I say "What the fuck makes you think I want to jump on him, goodbye possible hoe!" I continue running down the hall.


I hear the eagle's screech and I catch a glimpse of it's feathers as it disappears into a room.

I enter the room and find the bird sitting on the devil's shoulder. Dio says "So glad you followed Petshop, this is your room for tonight, enjoy darling".

I look around the room and Dio says "Being my right hand woman I let you do as you please except going to see Kars. You will do some chores I order if I am really need of your service".

He goes to the door then freezes and says "Oh, you can have the prostitutes when I'm done with them if you really want as well, I'm sure they won't mind round seven".

I try not to gag and say "No thanks, I don't want to catch any type of version of STD's you or they may have created".

Dio shrugs and says "Also, thanks for feeding Petshop, he enjoyed the meat from your stir fry".

He leaves and closes the door behind him.


{Kars's POV}
I walk up to Santana and Wamuu's house like the directions Y/n gave me and knock on the door.

Esidisi asks "You think this will work?" I reply "I don't know, but I really want Y/n back with me".

The door opens with Santana behind it, he shrinks away and says "You..." Wamuu opens the door fully and says "Y/n better be right about you, you've fucked up before Kars".

I say "I know. I'm sorry for slapping you back at the mansion Santana and for lashing at both of you. I'm not exactly the best father in the world".

Wamuu laughs a bit and says "Apologising to your adopted sons, that's halirious, nothing I've ever seen you do before Kars, maybe you have changed".

I say "We want Y/n back don't we? Then let's get her back and you both know Esidisi and I can't do it without you two".

Wamuu gives Kars his hand, Kars takes his hand and gives a strong handshake, Wamuu replies "Alright, let's get our instruments and start filming music".


{Y/n's POV}
I wake up in the morning to see the same ginger haired male from yesterday towering over me with a disgusted expression.

I sit up and ask "What the hell are you doing staring at me!?" he says "Dio orders you to get out if bed and join him for a morning stroll".

I say "Alright. Fine. Just- stop staring dude, it's creepy".

He walks towards the door, I growl "And get some pants for goodness sake I don't need to see your half naked arse" he flips me off and exits the room.


I walk by Dio's side through his garden, my hand covering the top of my eyes from the sunlight so I can see, he holds a umbrella over his head so the sun doesn't hit his skin.

I ask "Why are you using an umbrella?" he replies "I can only be in the sun for a couple of minutes, the sun burns my skin".

I ask "Is it a sickness?" he replies "Something like that".

I say "Why do I have the feeling you want to talk to me about something?" I find myself under shade, I see Dio protecting me from the sun underneath his umbrella.

I say awkwardly "Thank you, but you don't have to do this" he replies "None sense. Yes there is something I want to talk with you about, why haven't you jumped into my arms yet? I'm an attractive man".

I say "Is this what everything was about this entire time? You're jealousy?" he falls silent, I say "This entire time you just wanted to bed me and take Kars's rank as the top singer?"

His grip around me grows tighter, he laughs a bit and says "Smart girl", the sky grows dark and it starts to rain, he mumbles "Right on time..."

I ask "What do you mean?" he replies "The weather said it was going to rain today, look over there", I look over to where he is pointing to see small birds ruffling their feathers in a new made water puddle on the ground from the rain.

I watch the birds I say "They are cute" he says with a devious smirk "Just wait" I look at him confused then look at the birds, I see Petshop come out of nowhere and tear the birds to shreds, I yelp in fright and Dio grips my shoulders forcing me to watch.

I shake my head and say "Stop" he takes my chin and forces me to watch, I see Petshop rip a string of meat from one of the small birds corpses and I say "What the fuck is wrong with you Dio..."

He gets me to look into his eyes, he says with a smile "That is what will happen to you if you ever disobey me dear" he let's me drop to my knees in the rain and leaves me there, Petshop flies over my head and lands on Dio's shoulder.

I look at the carnage then decide that the scene makes me feel sick and I look at the wet floor in front of me.

I've never felt so scared in my life, not since that bath incident... Those birds didn't deserve that fate... Neither should I...

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