Chapter 4

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I continue to sit in silence at the table, I will get accasional glances from the men but most of the time it was from Kars.

Kars stands up his chair creaking making everyone stare at him, Kars leans his hands on the table and says "Y/N, follow me".
I follow Kars to a guest room, he pushes me inside and goes rummaging in the closet, "Y/N, you are going to sleep in this room. This is your uniform" he turns to me with a maid outfit.

I stare at the unusually short skirt and very revealing top, not to mention the long black stockings.

Kars puts the outfit on the bed and says "You will do the usual day chores of a maid which include: cooking, cleaning, washing and attending to our personal needs". I gulp as he towers over me.

He heads for the door and stops looking at his phone, he says "It's time for bed and Santana being the youngest requested you tuck him in, get your outfit on woman" he then leaves.

I put the outfit on and blush seeing the skirt almost shows my panties and my top showing so much cleavage, I sigh and head to Santana's room.

Wamuu awaits me at the door and leads me to Santana's room, he then leaves me.

I enter the bedroom to see him sitting on the edge of his bed trying to read, I catch him say "T-there.. W.. Was" for a grown man I find he has trouble speaking alot of words.

I walk over and take a seat beside him, he puts the book down probably embarrassed. I smile softly and ask "What were you reading?" he doesn't say anything, I take a look at the book on the opposite side of him.

I stand up and take it sitting back down in my spot, 'Little Red Riding Hood' the title says. I look at him and ask "Want me to read with you Santana?" he slowly nods.

I put the book in between us, he opens the book to his page.

A picture of Little Red is drawn in a shocked expression with glowing gold eyes in a bush sits on the left page, on the right I point to the first word.

Santana attempts to read, "T.. There.. Was.. A.." He stops trying to mouth the next word, I say "A w-" he tries again "A wo.. Wolf in.. T-the.." He falls silent again, I help him "Woods". He gives a small smile.

We continue reading and helping and eventually I find him sleepily leaning against my shoulder, I take the book and put it on the night stand.

I carefully guided him by laying him down and pulling the sheets over his body. I finish tucking him in and say softly as his eyes flutter shut "Goodnight Santana".
In the morning I take a shower and dress in my maid outfit. 'I will find a way to escape soon, I hope Joseph's okay'.

I walk downstairs and enter the living room, someone takes my hand, I turn to see Santana. He's wearing a long sleeved shirt and pants he still looks tired.

I say "Morning Santana how are you feeling?" he says quietly "Morning.. T-tired..." He breaths in then says "Kars.. Wants... You...." I nod and let Santana be.
I enter Kars room and find him shirtless, he closes his book and says "Finally, come here" I approach him as he takes a seat on his bed.

He hands me his hairbrush and I take the hint. I sit behind him and pull his hair out of his face, I run the brush through it untangling his bed hair.

His muscular shoulders relax and he sighs peacefully closing his eyes. I say "You seem very relaxed today" He only nods, I feel this would be the time to ask him questions.

[Kars POV]
Her fingers brush against my skin as she brushes my hair making my heart jump in excitement until she asks, "Why do you even want me here? You could've just hired a maid".

I reply with "Mm" leaving her confused, I am thinking of what to tell her then I say "You're cute, I want a woman like you to love me" she might as well know the truth.

I can feel her expression change to a disgusted one making me irratated, she says "I don't even know much about you and you kidnapped me how do you expect me to love you".

I turn around giving her a glare, she attempts to glare me back making me smirk and my heart thumping. 'She even challenges me to a glaring contest' I start chuckling to myself.

I grab her thigh and push her down onto the bed.

[Y/N's POV]
My heart quickens in fear, 'Is he going to rape me!?'

'What is he doing!?'

'Why is he touching me!?'

My thoughts scream at me I stutter and shout "I-I'm not going to l-love you!" his hand slides slowly up my skirt, he leans over me.

I attempt to turn my head away only to feel Kars lips smash into mine. I try to push him off me but fail to do so, he squeezes my inner thigh and kisses my neck making me gasp.

I yelp "Joseph!" by accident but my mind was begging for his help. Kars freezes he then presses himself off me and glares down at my figure he snaps "What?"

My mind squeals in glee with an idea, I lean my head back and moan "Joseph~" Kars gives me a mix of disgusted, shocked and angry expression.

He digs his nails into my thigh and growls "Are you fucking kidding me?" I really wanted to laugh but I managed to hide my cheerful expression, 'I found a way to fuck him off'.

I say with a smug face "You hate Joseph?" Kars gets off me stomping out of the room.

Once he's gone I start laughing, 'He thought I didn't notice the glares he gave us in the Diner or the way Joseph grumbles about him to me almost everyday' I back on the bed sighing in relief 'This might be easy'.

(JJBA - Kars x Reader) The Pillar Mens MaidWhere stories live. Discover now