Chapter 19

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A prison guard walks me to Kars's cell. When I stop in front of it I find Kars sitting in a fetal position on the ground and his head down.

I knock on the bars lightly and Kars slowly looks up.

Esidisi next door huffs "He isn't going to talk to you, you know that right?" I reply "Be quiet Esidisi, please."

Esidisi turns back around in his cell and drops down on his bed.

I turn my gaze back to Kars and ask "How are you feeling?" Kars stands up and his muscular figure walks over to the bars, he grips the metal and chuckles lightly, he asks "How am I feeling? You're just here to gloat aren't you?"

I say politely "No I'm not. I just hope this shows you what happens when you act out of hand, and... I missed you".

Kars says while raising an eyebrow "That's suprising" I say "Every time I come to visit you, you either remain silent or you won't even bother to be nice, I mean what should I expect you are a criminal after all".

I continue "Look, I don't regret putting you behind bars, but I regret putting the one man I loved here. Maybe when you come out of prison you'll change".

I start walking away with the prison guard and Kars shouts after me "You're just as bad as me! You manipulated me you know!"


I will admit things have been alot different since Kars got in prison, first of all I barely get to talk to Joseph because he's dating Suzie Q, second Santana and Wamuu are busy getting themselves sorted in their new house, and finally third the only people I can talk to is... Lisa and Dio.


I sit in front of Dio who is drowning in girls at his desk, Dio says "So you've been lonely lately?" I nod and say "Yes. Ever since Kars got in jail and I've been away from my friends I feel like I've distanced myself from them by mistake".

Dio thinks for a moment, one of the girls clinging to his arm tug at his blonde hair and he growls lowly "Don't do that.."

I say "I can see you're busy Dio, thank you for you're time", Dio clicks his fingers and says "You don't need friends".

I ask "Excuse me?" he continues "Look at me, I don't have friends and look how I turned out. I think you'll be fine, just relax for the time being."

I say "But relaxing all the time won't get me anywhere, it worked out for you because you needed to use me."

Dio holds up his hand for me to stop and says "Ssshhh... Y/n, use is a bit of a strong word even if I did do so. How about, you spend the day with me tomorrow evening? Will it get this problem off your chest?"

I reply feeling awkward "I'm not sure, you seem quite busy and besides you said you have no friends, why are you helping me?" Dio spreads his arms out and says "You helped me it's only best if I repay you by helping with your problem. I may be... Difficult. However, I don't go back on my word especially now".

I say "Alright, what time? Wait... Why does this sound like a date?" Dio smirks and says "You're a lonely girl. My theory is if we spend the day with eachother you will relax from your problem and open up more. But don't take the date to heart I'm not a man of commitment when it comes to men or women".

Before I can say anything else he says "Give me your phone Y/n" I pull out my phone and hand it to him, he puts his phone number in and says "I've also texted you the time, good day Y/n".

I nod and leave.


I lay on my bed the stars in the night sky outside, I sigh and think 'This bed is more harder than I remember when I came back home. The one at the Mansion was soft and comfortable and-'.

I sniff the sheets and think 'It doesn't smell like Kars's scent of spring water and scented flowers...' I grip the bed sheet feeling kind of sad.

I sit up and start writing a letter to the prison like I do every night for Kars:

How is it over there? Are they giving you good treatment? If so then that's good to hear, I'm sorry everything had to turn out this way.

From: Y/n L/n

I stare at my writing with a faint blush on my face, I whisper to myself "Isn't this a little too basic? Classic?" I roll my eyes and fold the paper putting it into the purple envelope and sticking on a stamp, ready to send tomorrow.

Setting the envelope on my bed side table I crawl into my covers and close my eyes.

At some ungodly hour at night my dream starts to arrive, someone's hand holding mine, a genuine smile on his face with his long purple hair.

We are laughing but I don't exactly know why. He twirls me around in the daylight the trees above us settling in the air.

Flashes of visions of how the man used me came across my dream but they faded away because that was only how he used to be.

I believe he must be different now, maybe.

His fingers intertwine with mine and our lips are inches from touching before someone else steps into the dream with blonde hair and three moles on his ear, he held a wicked grin and offered his hand to me.

Without thinking I reach for his hand meanwhile the man I was with before is chasing after me with a worried expression.

Before I knew it I was shaking hands with the blonde and the floor broke taking me with it.

My eyes snap open and it's three in the morning all I can think is 'What have I done'.

(JJBA - Kars x Reader) The Pillar Mens MaidWhere stories live. Discover now