Valentine's Special (Akashi X Reader)

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Valentine's gift should be easy, right? Just a piece of chocolate would be considered as a gift, after all, it's the thought that counts.

But, Akashi is a whole different story.

Since he has most likely everything, a simple chocolate wouldn't mean anything. And that's one thing that confused you.

Even if your parents could afford almost everything you wish for, you can't seem to find the perfect gift for him. The variety range from chocolates, clothes, shoes, etc, etc.

You heaved a sigh. Maybe you should just ask him what does he want for Valentine.


Akashi was sitting alone in a room, with shogi board as his only company. He has been sitting there for minutes.

A (Hair Color) girl slides the door open, "Akashi-kun?"

Acknowledging the voice, he answered it without even glancing, "Yes, (First Name)?"

The girl walk inside the room, "Say, Akashi-kun, Valentine is nearing. I don't really know what to give you..."

Akashi glanced at the (Hair Color), "You don't really have to, (First Name). I don't really wish for anything." He paused for a moment, "But, maybe, I'll have one request."

"What is it that you want, Akashi-san?"

He smiled triumphantly, "You'll know when it's time."


For the umpteenth time, you stuck at the chocolate gallery. You looked at the display. You picked the most expensive looking package for him.

The next day, you gave him the package. He eyed it, "Thank you, but I'd prefer something else, if you won't mind."

You sighed. As you thought, he won't be satisfied with a simple chocolate.

Suddenly, he grabbed your wrist and pulled you closer to him. He grabbed your chin and stare deep into your eyes, "I want you, (First Name)"

I'll have 3 weeks, full of exams.
Hah, the pain of being a student.
Anyway, sorry if this is kind of lame.

Kuroko no Basket x Reader (One shots) [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now