Game On (Akashi x Reader) [AU]

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You grumbled as your finger furiously pressed the buttons rapidly.
You were playing a game called Silent Knight, it's a game where you play as a princess that's striving to claim her kingdom back from the enemy's grasp.

At first, you thought that this game was easy, the enemies were an easy kill for a skillful gamer like you. But, the area bosses is kind of pain to struggle with. You despised those colorful rainbow headed bosses. From what you've read at the wiki, no, not cheating, the next area boss is a red hair named Akashi Seijuuro. To beat him, you must be at least level 60. Well, based on reviews, level 60's players who tried to engage a battle on him barely managed to scratch him.

At least the game maker should've made this game easier, getting leveled up after level 50 is a real struggle. If level 60 barely managed to scratch him, it would took time for you to level up to level 90-100 to beat him, and upgrading your skills along the way too.

You groaned, this game is way too impossible. It's not like you hate the game, it's just those ridiculously overpowered bosses that tires you. Your character is rather slow brained--in your opinion. There's no way you need to level up 20 level from your current level just to upgrade your skill. You could've done so much better compared to your character.

You groaned in annoyance and slammed the controller against a cushion, you still hold dear that controlled of yours even though it has failed you so many times. You got up from the floor and walked to your bed, planting your face upon your pillow, "Seems like I could use a sleep " you murmured to yourself.
You drifted off to a deep slumber in no time.


The red haired knight frowned in dissatisfaction, he had wished for the player to keep playing the game, seeing that her current progress is nearing his area. He's curious about her strength, since she managed to beat all his allies.

His brows furrowed together until a certain green haired man approached him, "What are you doing out here, nanodayo? Not that I care or anything."
He put on an emotionless face, "It's nothing Shintarou, I was just curious about this player's strength. She's very strong apparently."
The green haired clicked his tongue, "Exactly, what are you planning?"

"You're a wizard, right, Shintarou? I suppose you could bring her here inside the game. I would like to see her true strength."
The green haired male narrowed his eyes as he furrowed his brows, "I am a wizard, but I'm afraid I'm not capable to such an extent of that power, Akashi."

"Are you defying my order, Shintarou?"
"I am not, Akashi, I'm truly unable to do magic to such an extent, however, there's still one way for you to engage a battle with her here."
"What's that?"
"I suppose I could do something with her dream, so that she might be able to fight you here via her dream."

The red haired sighed, "Fair enough, then."


You woke up due to a chilly breeze that grazed upon your skin. You could've sworn you didn't turned on the air conditioner, nor letting your window opened, so where the heck this chilly breeze came from?

You rubbed your eyes groggily as your eyes scanned your surroundings.
Wait, how did you even ended up being in the middle of a meadow?! This is truly ridiculous!

You looked at yourself only to notice you're sleeping in an armor, a fancy cloak robe, a steel plate upper body and a tunic dress. Kind of reminds you of your character-

You gasped, could it be that you're in your game?

I'm going to write this in two separated parts, since it's kinda too long to fit it all in one story
And I think my eyes had deceived me, this story reaches 3.16K reads in two days? Holy cow o_o
I'll make a 3K special edition soon, so if you got an idea, you could suggest it by commenting.
That's all, thank you so much for reading and voting my story, seriously, I can't thank you guys enough. Hope you enjoyed my very first AU!

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