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Selena Gomez

"Where are you taking me, Styles?" I asked squeezing his hand as he lead me to who knows where. I could feel his other hand on my hip as he lead me, he had blinded fold me after we had parked the car.

So far the date was going amazing. Harry picked me up exactly at seven. He looked amazing in all black except for the scarf of burgundy and gold that hung along his neck. His grin spread across his face as he saw me.

He had told me to dress warm, it was chilly in London. Ashley had let me borrow her cream white sweater with the rhinestone collar which I paired with my black skater skirt, black knee high socks and my boots. A cream colored knitted beanie on my head, my dark curls falling along my shoulders.

After a wonderful dinner, he told me there was more. I hadn't expect anything extravagant. Maybe a movie or a moonlight walk thought the park. But now I was getting nervous.

We suddenly stopped and I felt him move from where he had been behind me. I could hear laughter and people talking. It had gotten a bit colder too. "Ready?" He asked after a few mins. I quickly nodded my head and with no patience anymore, I gently pulled the blind fold away from my eyes.

The darkness disappeared and I was a bit blinded by the sudden light. I blinked a couple times and looked around holding my breath. "Are we at a.." I was speechless as I turned to look at Harry.

He had gone to grab something under the bench behind us. He looked over at me holding up a pair of white ice skates. "You told me you always wanted to go ice skating."

"Yeah...like forever ago! You..you remembered! " I laughed walking over to him to take the ice skates. He blushed and shrugged. "Let me put them on you"

"You need to put your own.." I looked down to see his usual black boots had been replaced with black ice skates. "Oh you're good!"

He laughed and motioned for me to take a seat. I sighed and sat down on the red painted wood. "You know I'm a big girl..." I started as he pulled my shoes off and grabbed the first ice skate. "Selena...you are my princess tonight and you'll be treated like one."

I felt my cheeks blushed and I rolled my eyes playfully. "You are too much, Harry Styles!" I laughed.

After slipping on the first skate and tying it. He slipped on the other also tying it before looking up at me. "You're all set, m' lady"

He got up and held his hands out for me. I took them and he lifted me up.

"Slow...please" I said nervous about falling.

"I've got you, love" he reassured me. we slowly made our way onto the ice. He held my hands as we started slowly down the ice.

He switched our hand holding so his arm could go around my waist to steady the wobble I had developed.

After a couple laps around the rink, I got a bit more comfortable with the ice.
"I wanna try by myself." I told him.

He raised an eyebrow but nodded. "alright I'll be right here if you need me"

His arm slowly left my waist and his hand let go of mine. I wobbled a bit but I was soon gliding on my own.

Harry close behind in case I fall. He glided around me making silly moves and twirling around causing his large overcoat to fan out.

I could help but laugh almost losing my balance but grabbing onto the side.

He was quickly on my side. "You alright, kitten?" I nodded and he slowly took my hand once again into his.

I looked over at him and let him pull me away from the edge, right into his arms.

His arms wrapped around my waist as he moved me into the middle with him, holding me close.

I could feel my heart beating like crazy in my chest as my eyes fell onto those green orbs. "I hope your enjoying this date" he bit his lower lip.

"Best date ever... but why did you ask me out?" I questioned him wondering if maybe the girls were right.

"Ain't it obvious Sel?" He asked a grin on his face as his arms pulled me in a little closer and his forehead rested against mine. "I'm crazy about you..." he whispered to me. "I always have been"

I felt like I couldn't breath my mind having gone blank. In a rush of courage I grabbed onto his scarf leaning up into him.

Our lips connecting for the first time and just melting together. He was taken aback, but soon his was kissing me back gently.

If I didn't know better, I would of thought my heart would explode in my chest.

I felt his hand slid up my back as one rested on my hip.

Cupping my face in his hand, his thumb stroked my cheek gently as our lips parted slowly.

I tried to catch my breath as I looked up at him and he had the biggest grin on his face. "God, I only ever kissed you in my dreams." he told me making me blush.

"I think I like reality a lot better." He said pulling me with him as he started to move with the crowd around the rink again.

My mind was still recovering from the butterflies that were fluttering in my stomach.

What would happen now? Would be become something more then just this friendship?

I looked up at Harry all these thoughts coming to my head. I bit my lower lip. I mean, I wouldn't mind to be more. But I didn't want to risk this friendship...I just got him back. 

The last thing I wanted was to lose him all because of a failed relationship. 


A.N. Whoa! Looks like Harlena is starting to shape up! What's gonna happen next!? 

Will Selena and Harry end up together? Or will they just stay friends? 

And what about Kendell? What will she think of all this? 

Keep reading! 

Once again, I'd like to thank everyone who voted and commented. I really do appreciate it guys! You all are amazing, I never thought that this story would go anywhere, but it seemed to be going awesome. I've got big plans ahead! 

Also, if you don't vote or comment, that okay. I just really want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for even reading this.. 

I don't think I'm that great of a writer, but thank you, thank you, thank you so much! 

Also, The whole Zayn leaving thing. Yes, my heart is broken right now. WHY ZAYN!?!?! WHY!!!!!!!!! I'm still recovering, but I'm not going to pull him from my story. 

As for future stories..I don't know if He'll be in them. Maybe. Maybe not. I'm still deciding. 

But guys, we'll get through this. I believe in this fandom and the boys. 

On that note, I love you guys! Thanks once again, I really couldn't thank you enough. 

Please Vote and/or Comment. You don't have to. But, Yes plz! 


<3 nxonlxghts

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