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Kendell Jenner

I stared at my reflection in the mirror. The bruise around my once perfect nose still completely noticeable.

I hated that girl for what she had done to me.

She was just jealous! So she had to go and punch me like some kind of barbarian!

I had been locked up in my bedroom for the past week. The only people who had seen me in this dreadful state had been my mother, father, and my two best friends.

There was a knock on the door and I turned to look at it.

"Come in.." I mumbled out getting up and sluggishly walking over to my large queen size bed. Falling onto the silk sheets as Karen and Valerie walking into the darken room.

"Hey Kendell. How are you feeling?" Karen asked sweetly. The girl was a short ginger headed girl. She had a pretty face and bright green eyes.

"I feel like complete shit..now what are you guys here for?" I questioned sitting up on my bed. "I thought I told you I wanted you to keep an eye on Harry?"

Yes I was a bit odd for me to be keeping tabs on my ex, but I created him. He was mine and only mine. We always fought like this anyways, it was only a matter of time before he would be right back at my side.

I notice Karen and Valerie exchange looks and I raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"

Valerie fiddled with her fingers as she took a deep breath. She was a gorgeous mocha skin colored girl, with bouncing dark curls that covered her head. Her eyes were bright, and I, at times, secretly envied her for them.

"Well that the thing, Kendell." Valerie began before turning to look at Karen.

Karen bit her lip before blurting it all out.

"We were at the ice skating rink and we caught him kissing that Selena girl!" She bit her lower lip again. "They've been spending a lot of time together" Valerie quickly nodded her head agreeing with Karen.

I could of sworn that my eyes had bulged out of my head and I could feel my skin grow hot as anger surge through my veins.

"What! That little bitch..who does she think she is all over my man!" I screamed standing up from my bed. "And what the hell is Harry doing kissing her...I created him. He'd be a complete no one without me!" I bellowed walking over to the mirror and once again reminded of the damage that girl had inflicted.

The girls stayed silent as they watched me with large eyes. "I want dirt on her." I whispered slowly to them. I whipped around and smiled at them. "I want to know her secrets, I want to bring her down...I need any dirt you guys can find on her."

I looked back at my reflection fixing the few curls that had been hanging from the bun on top of my head.

"There has to be something that will break her..and I want to know what that is."


A.N. What is up Kendell's sleeve? Could she possibly end Harry and Selena before they even start? I sure hope not.

Sorry this chapter is a bit short, I didn't want to give to much away. But from the looks of it, I'm sure you can see where this might be going.

Keep reading guys and please please please Comment and VOTE!

I appreciate all that you do for me.

I love you guys and hopefully the next chapter will be longer!



<3 nxonlxghts

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