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Authors Note: Hey Guys! This is my new story! I'm fairly new to this fandom, but I am completely obsessed with Harlena and I simply could not resist! I had to write a fic of them!

So please enjoy!

Please keep in mind, this is fake. They are, unfortunately, not dating and all actions they do or say in this story is from my twisted little mind.

I may make mistakes and if I do, I'm so sorry for that. Now onto the story!


I couldn't help the gentle smile that spread across my face as he pushed a daisy into my dark hair.

My deep chestnut eyes looking up into the glimmering soft green eyes staring back at me.

"I'm really going to miss you"

His deep English accent was soft as his eyes looked away from me out to the horizon of the small park we sat at. Small white daisies surrounding us, we were currently sitting in the grass cross-legged. I let a small sigh slip past my lips.

"I'm going to miss you, Harry" I told him letting my small hand rest on his knee. His emerald gaze returned to me, a small smile forming on his lips.

"You better call me every single day!" He chuckled shaking his head messing with the dark curls that framed his face. His hand pushed the hair that fell in his face to one side.

I couldn't help but shake my head looking down at the lime colored grass we sat on. "Of course I will! You, Zayn, Ashley and Vanessa will all be getting calls from me."

Harry scrunched his face up pulling a small lump of the long narrow leaves tossing them at me.

"I was actually just taking about myself..You are my best friend, Sel! "

I laughed pushing the small grass pedals from my lap. "I'm also best friends with them. Don't be selfish, Harry"

"You were my best friend first" he mumbled under his breath.

Before I could answer him, there was a car horn behind us breaking us from our conversation. I turned to see my mother's car. Realization slowly sinking in on both our faces.

Getting up, I sighed looking over at him as he also got up looking down at the ground.

"That's my mom" I said slowly looking over at him hoping he'd look up at me, but he didn't.

"How am I going to survive high school without you?" He suddenly said softly to me, his gaze still looking down at the ground. I bit down on my lower lip softly chewing on it, before taking a step closer to him.

"You can do it Harry..You'll have Zayn, Ashley and Vanessa. You're stronger then you think Harry. You don't need me" I said looking down at my hands.

I suddenly watched as his hands reached out taking both of them into his larger hands. I looked up and was met with those soft washed out green orbs.

He dropped my hands as his went up slowly pulled the silver paper airplane necklace from around his neck before gently slipping it around mine. I looked at him tears coming to the rim of my eyes.

"I'll always need you Sel" His voice broke a bit before he pulled me into him holding me tightly. My hands grabbed onto him tightly not wanting to let go, the salty droplets running down my face as I heard my mother honk the car horn a couple times more.

"Don't forget me?"

"I could never forget you, Harry Styles"

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