Chapter 3

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I entered the conference room and took a seat between Asher and Dad at one end of the table. I could still sense the tension between the three of us. The collective resentment and relief of the decision that I had made. The Directorial board consisting of the 8 members, was equally seated on either sides of the table.

The end opposite to us consisted of Mr. George Carter, wearing a navy blue suit. He had black and white hair, same age as my dad and dark brown eyes. Beside him was seated, I assume, his wife Mrs. Katherine Carter with a slim build and dark green dress , she seemed much younger than her age. Both of them headed the company together until now.

My eyes travelled to the empty chair at Katherine's side, and I knew it belonged to Ethan Carter--the man I was supposed to marry.One could say that he was trying to be fashionably late--what a jerk.And as if the universe heard my thoughts, the door opened and a tall male entered.

He strided in with a confident posture, wearing a dark grey almost black perfectly tailored suit with a dark blue tie that complimented his eyes. Eyes that were as dark as a stormy restless ocean. Dark brown hair and a muscular body, as an artist I appreciated beauty and this sure was one heck of a sight. His strong jaw was set as he cast a glance across the room, not stopping at anyone.

Not even me.

He cleared his throat and started "I apologise for being late for the meeting everyone. Please do not let me interrupt you further," and simply took his seat. He gave a small, almost undetectable smile to his mother and a stiff nod to his dad before focusing his attention at the meeting.

In the following hour, all the terms and consequences of the meeting were expressed in great detail.Finally Mr.Carter, Dad and Mrs. Carter formally stepped down from their positions. And then it was time for the most dreaded announcement. The fateful wedding announcement.

"I'm happy to officially announce Carter Inc. and Evans BuiltIn Group, formally merged!" Mr Carter says with a smile and follows up, " And following the merger and the unity of the 2 companies Mr.Evans' Daughter Ms.Skylar Evans and my son Ethan Carter will get married!To a bright and hopeful future!" 

There was a widespread applaud--it seemed almost mocking. Dad and Asher were a bit grave but graceful as they greeted everyone.I stood in the corner of the room, absorbing everything. Mrs Carter wrapped came near me and wrapped me in an unexpected hug. 

"Oh, darling I have always wanted a daughter and now I finally have one." Feeling something so full of warmth and motherly love sent me over the edge, tears pooled in my eyes and I bit my cheek to stop them from spilling.

"That's really kind of you to say, Mrs.Carter." I reply humbly.

She waves a dismissive hand, "Oh darling, please.Call me Kate."

I nodded with a smile. It was getting harder to hold back the tears and I could almost taste blood because of me biting my cheek so hard. Kate dragged me to introduce me to Mr Carter, who turned out to be nicer than I had pictured him to be. And finally she caught her son by his shoulder and made him face me,"Ethan, honey where are you going? Aren't you going to meet your future wife?" I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks. 

He smiled towards his mother and finally looked at me straight in the eye.Giving me a terse nod, he extends his hand,"Ethan." It takes me moment to reply as I stand surprised by his velvety voice. No one would expect that from a face like that, I had imagined it to be gruff and unpleasant but it was melodious.

"Skylar," I say and shake his hand firmly in return. It was big and warm. Softer than I had thought it to be. We maintained an eye contact for exactly 6 seconds--his blue and my green eyes. Like the forest in a stand off with the ocean. He abruptly left after that.

It already felt like a business deal.


"Oh my god Sky I still cannot believe it, pinch me." Ava shrieked in the middle of the restaurant. It was my fault, I shouldn't have told her such a big news in a public place. Knowing full well about her over the top reactions.

Ava Cooper was my best friend since the start of middle school. We stood by each other through thick and thin. She was my complete opposite an extroverted social butterfly who will shriek at any given opportunity.And it fit her being the editor in chief of the Esquire, New York.

Emilia, my cousin and Ava are the only two people whom I've struck a strong  connection with. They were the most understanding people on Earth, and of course my hype women as well.Emilia had to travel back and forth from London and New York because of her job. Currently in London, she was lucky enough to not hear Ava's scream.

"Ava, please stop screaming everyone is looking at us." and then I pinched her.Hard.

She scowled, "You know I'm still pretty mad that you're literally putting your entire future at stake for this company, but I know you believe your mom's heart rests somewhere there." She spins a biteful of spaghetti in her fork, "Plus, if it helps Ethan is like the hottest guy in New York right now."

I rolled my eyes. "I don't care if he's the hottest or not. It's not like anything is going to happen between us, it's a business deal and we'll treat it like one."

She scrunched her brows, "No sex?"

"No sex." I state firmly and she sighs.

I love how her priorities are straight.


Later that night I drove past the cemetery and stopped at the nearby cliff. The sunset was beautiful, this is where I made my first painting with mom. The memory was perfectly clear in my mind as if it had happened yesterday.

"Sky, that is a very beautiful painting."

I beamed as I proudly showed mom my canvas,"Really mom? I love it too. Can I hang this in my room?"

"Of course sweetie, we'll frame it." She said with an angelic smile.

Asher's soccer ball rolled right at me but Mom stopped it easily and said in a stiff tone,"Asher, how many times have I told you to be careful while throwing the ball around?"

He makes a weird face and I get back to my painting, I could still hear them from the behind."Yeah mom I know, whatever. Could you pass the ball back please?"

I was 13 back then, and it was this day I realised that I loved art. I pulled out my diary from the purse that I always carried it in and looked at it. Tears welled up in my eyes as I realised what I was entering into and how different my life will be. 

How am I gonna check up on Dad every weekends? What about my sleep overs with Emilia and Ava? Will Asher and I be able to go for ice cream in the middle of the night like we always do? Everything was changing and it all dawned on me in that one moment.

I gathered so much courage to lift the pen up and write in my diary after 7 whole years. It was so weird just a piece of paper and little bit of ink could contain so much.

Dear Diary

Long time no see. My bad I didn't have the courage to open you up again after that day.

Last time I confided in you was a very difficult time , I couldn't feel anything and was unable to process my emotions or face the reality. 7 years after , maybe I still am not ready to accept it.

Today I again feel a bit overwhelmed. I'm getting married, not to someone I love but for something I love. I wish mom was here. She was not here to see me graduate , she was not here to see me finally get the job of my dreams and she is not here to see me get married either.


Sometimes a mere pen and paper can help out a lot.

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