Chapter 22

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"Sky! Look at you! You look gorgeous!" Bernie exclaimed.

"Says the best dressed man of the party," I tease him.

"Not nice enough to get a date."

"Aw, you poor baby. Let me have your first dance then." Emilia extended her hand towards him.

He happily accepted, "Thanks  darl."

They made their way to the dance floor. It was occupied by a lot of people. Despite being London's biggest event, only a few prestigious  local and international organisations were invited.

I was soon joined by some of my previous associates from America. None of them knew that I was here, given the secrecy of my transfer, it was no surprise. We were laughing along and enjoying our drinks.

"Mrs.Carter?" I cringed and turned around to see a tall guy, almost about dad's age.


"Hello. I am Benedict Thompson.I don't think we've met." Oh dear.Benedict Thompson, the guy who founded this company! I straightened up and shook his hand.

"Mr .Thompson, it is so great to finally meet you." 

"Of course. When I heard you were joining , I was very happy. I'm sorry that your father couldn't make it tonight , but I'm sure someone from your previous company will be here. I hope you enjoy your night."

"Thank you sir." My previous company? Dad wasn't coming and neither was Asher. My breath hitched thinking about the only next person possible, but I removed the thought from my mind.It cannot be.

"Come on, Sky. It's your turn now! I don't think Bernie ever gets tired." I was brought out of my reverie as Emilia called out from the other side.

"Was that Mr. Thompson?" Bernie asked as I joined him on the dance floor.


"Lucky you, some of us don't even catch his glimpse." I just snickered.

"So have you been enjoying the party?"

"Oh I definitely have." We danced in silence. Suddenly Bernie perked up, looking like he wanted to say something.


"Gimme a moment. I wanna do this all-American style."

I just gave him a confused look.

"Ah, okay. Hottie at 3 'o' clock , looking at you. And now he's approaching us."

 I could see someone approaching us from my peripheral vision. He was clad in a well - fitted tuxedo along with a perfect bow tie. The man came and stood close by, his figure was familiar, almost too familiar.I could see his dark brown hair set back, it was very identical.

"Mind if I cut in?" That voice. It can only belong to one person. I held Bernie's hand tighter but I could see the confusion written all over his face. To not make a scene I just nodded and Bernie left.

His hand slipped into mine. He was very close and all around me was the unmistakable familiar pine scent that comforts me. But today, it was panicking me. I could feel the warmth radiating off of his body. His hands were soft as usual but a bit callous. Being this approximate to him was overwhelming me.

"Skylar." I choked up. Hearing my name from him sent me over the edge and yet I controlled myself to not run away. I didn't answer him and we kept on dancing.

"Skylar, please say something." I looked around for Em but she was nowhere. I couldn't take it anymore so I left. I ran as fast as I could in those high heels. I finally stopped near the entrance as I came out of the banquet. Why is he here? I will not go back. It was hard enough for me to deal with all the separation anxiet , he's making it even more difficult. I leaned against a wall to catch my breath.

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