Chapter 20

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Ethan's POV

Pain and darkness.

The only two sensations I felt. I was on my millionth bottle of whiskey.I had lost the sense to keep a clear head. It had been a week since Skylar left and it didn't get any better. It was worse. Because she was all I could think about.

Her smile. The way she kissed me. Her eyes when she listened to me. How her hands always softly pressed me closer to her.

And her betrayal.

This is the longest I haven't been at work. I cannot think straight, how could she do this to me? Why did she do this to me? It was hard enough for me to open up to her and this is what I get?

I shook the empty bottle before I smashed it against the wall. I slinked back further down.

"Ethan?" I looked up to find Ace.

"Go away." I said mindlessly flailing my hand.

"Ethan, look at yourself. Get up!" He sounded angry but I couldn't care any less.

He supported me up. "Leave me alone, please." I could hear my slurred speech. He ignored me.

He shoved down an entire pint of water down my throat and it didn't do anything to erase the pain. He laid me on the bed and I instantly closed my eyes. Sleep--something I hadn't gotten for more than an hour a day. I was enveloped by darkness.


"Jesus Christ!" I exclaimed as I felt a hard throbbing in my head.

"Good , you deserve that." Ace said as he pushed a pill and water towards me."Seriously, binge-drinking is not the solution for all your problems. We're not in college anymore, Carter."

I opened my mouth as he stopped me."Eat this and come down. A girl named Andrea wants to see you."

The secretary. Skylar's secretary.

I made my way downstairs. "Andrea." I nodded solemnly at her, wishing that I looked intimidating enough.

"I'm sorry Mr. Carter, Finn helped me get here. I just wanted to know if Mrs. Carter is well? I know I was supposed to give her that envelope a week ago, but I got caught up in the weekly events and it totally slipped my mind.She hasn't been to work in a week and Mr. Evans is unreachable."She was cowering under my gaze.

A week ago? That means that Skylar didn't know anything about the take over.But the thing that concerned me more was her not being at work.

"Andrea, you're fired. Unless you want me to blacklist you everywhere, it's better if you leave." I heard a sob but I couldn't care less. She was the primary cause of all this. Without thinking any further, I grabbed my keys and drove down to the one place I expected her to be.I found myself knocking at Ava's door.

"Ethan," Her eyes enlarge at the sight of me, "I know what you're here for. I'm sorry but I'm afraid I can't help you." She started closing the door but I held it.

"Ava, please. I'm desperate. I need to know where she is." 

"Ethan, I'm bound by my word. I cannot tell you. I'm sorry." She closed the door.

Punching the wall once, I came back to my car. Driving around aimlessly for an hour, I found myself near my brother's building. Maybe he could help me--he's close with Skylar.

I made my way up. The way that he talked about her told me only one thing, he was completely oblivious. He had no clue what happened.

"I need to go to the bathroom." I said as I got up. As I reached I heard murmurs from the nearby room, I went closer.

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