Chapter 23

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Emilia and I landed a few minutes ago and we hurriedly came out of the airport. Asher was waiting to pick us up outside.

"Good, you're here." He said as he hugged us both. I missed him.

"Yes. How did...?"I didn't have the courage to ask him.

"It was a cardiac arrest."He answered gravely.

I nodded my head and got into the car. All I could think about was Ethan. It had been a month since we saw each other. He did not try to contact me at all. I blamed myself for this, I shut him down. He didn't have anyone to turn to share his grief with. He needed me and I was being selfish. I need to see him. Nothing in the world is worse than losing a parent and who would know it better than me?

We reached our house. Emilia and Asher got out and waited , looking expectedly at me to come out.

"I'm sorry. I need to see Ethan first." They both nodded in understanding. Without a second thought I drove to the penthouse. 

I entered in. He never asked me to give him the key back and it was probably for the best.As I set my foot in, a strong whiff of whiskey hit my nose. I looked around and the penthouse was completely trashed. Glass shards were hazardously lying all around. Undone ties were thrown on the couch.It was like a disaster followed by an eerie silence.

I walked towards the terrace and saw Ethan napping on the patio chair. He was disheveled. His hair was a mess, the upper three buttons of his shirt popped open. His face was tear strained and his expression didn't radiate the usual peacefulness while he slept. Looking at him my heart clenched.Tears welled up in my eyes. 

I love this man. 

I sat beside him and gently stroked my hand through his hair. His eyes popped open.

"Skylar?" He asked as if he was afraid to touch me, see if I was real. With tears in my eyes I nodded hastily and hugged him. He held me tightly like.None of us said a single word as we both didn't let go for a solid five minutes. I finally backed away and looked up at him.

"Ethan, I'm so sorry." He shook his head but I continued, "Ethan, I know this is isn't easy for you but it's time for you to get ready for the funeral." It was almost impossible for me to croak out those words.

"I cannot face him, Skylar. The fact that he wanted the best for me and all I did was fought with him is something I can never live with.I let him down. He didn't deserve a son like me.You didn't deserve a husband like me. No one deserves a human like me-"

"Hey, hey shhh. Look at me. You made your dad proud. You upheld his good name. You brought his dreams to heights that he never imagined.Despite you guys fighting, deep in both your hearts you knew that you loved each other tremendously. It's not the time to blame oneself, it's time to get yourself together and bid him goodbye with all the love and respect he deserves."

"How did you get over this?" I was pained by his question.

"The truth is you never get over it. Over time it might hurt a little less but you don't completely move on. However when someone special comes along with you they help you realise that holding on to the past does nothing but ruin our future. You and I both have committed this mistake once but I believe both of us have paid the price for it. From now on, it's us against the world, not me and you against each other."

"It won't be easy."

"I know but you're the strongest man I've ever met.Now go and get ready, your family needs you."

He held my hand, "And I need you." I looked at him and without another care, kissed him. It comprised of everything ,the love I have for him. The pain we endured from being apart.The sorrow for a big loss and our passion towards each other.We finally parted and he rested his forehead against mine.We didn't say a word, our eyes held all the unsaid words.

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