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7 years later

"No it wasn't my fault. I will not apologise." Aiden, our 6 year old son was as stubborn as his father. He was Ethan's carbon copy right from his hair and eyes to his anger and attitude.

"Aiden, you hit Mike in the face. If this wasn't your fault then whose?" Ethan was getting frustrated. Aiden got in a fight at school and now straight up refused to apologise.

"Aiden George Carter you go and apologise to Mike right now or you're in big trouble." I said calmly.

"But mom-"

"No ifs and buts go!" I pat him on the back.

"Alright, I'll go!" He said with a pouty face and and got out of the car and marched down to Mike, a boy from his class. I followed him.

"I am sorry." I stared at him and then he sighed.

"I am really sorry for hitting you Mike." 

"It's okay Aiden. It was my fault I shouldn't have pushed Chloe to get into the line." Mike answered. I looked down at my son--so he was mad that someone pushed his sister in the line. Makes sense, ever since Ava and Asher's daughter, Chloe was born, Aiden and her were inseperable.

"Okay," They both shook hands and after we started walking I scooped up Aiden into my arms.

"Mommy, everyone in the school will see! Put me down!"

"No, mommy is proud of her baby. You deserve an ice cream."


"Yes but you gotta promise me something first."


"No matter how worse the matter, violence is never the answer. I do not want to hear another complaint okay?"

"Okay." I kissed him on the cheeks and he wiped it. It was getting difficult as he got older. Thank god I still have my little Emma.Despite being just 3 she wasn't any less troublemaker than her big brother and again had Ethan's eyes.

I strapped in Aiden at the back beside Emma and sat at the front near Ethan.

"Did you apologise, buddy?" Ethan asked looking into the rearview mirror at Aiden. He had his sunglasses on and he looked as threatening as well as hot. Aiden pouted and looked out the window.

I chuckled, "Yes, he did. He even promised me that he won't do this from now onwards."

"Good." Ethan sighed.

"Ethan, I promised Aiden ice cream."

He just nodded and kept on driving before stopping in front of the shop.

"I'll get Emma." He said as he got out.

Of course he will. She was his little girl, always running to him. He didn't leave any stone unturned in spoiling her either. Even her first word was 'da da'.

I held Aiden's hand and we went into the ice cream shop.

"Dad this!" Emma said as she pointed on the poster with the big scoop.

"Okay, honey." Aiden was unable to see as he was jumping to catch a glimpse. Before I could hold him up, Ethan easily lifted  him in his left arm.

"Thanks dad! I'll take the choco-vanilla swirl with rainbow sprinkles."

"You won't waste it?" Ethan asked.


"Alright kiddos, go grab a seat." He put them down as they merrily walked down to the nearby booth. Aiden was holding hands with Emma , both of them were trouble but loved each other so much.

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