Chapter 14

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Warmth and familiar pine scent had invaded my senses. I could feel myself snuggling deeper into the feeling. It felt so good and then I realised. 

Ethan. I was in Ethan's arms.

My eyes popped open.I scooted back in a hurry but I couldn't, our legs were tangled making it impossible for me to move.The clock flashed 8:00 am --that's weird Ethan never slept in. I could see him deep in slumber and breathing slowly. His strength made it difficult for me to even shift an inch. Why did I not make a pillow border?

I heard a knock followed by Aunt Eden's voice, "Honey, I'm coming in."

Oh shoot. I snuggled closer to Ethan and I realised he was awake due to the knock, he was startled in our position but before any of us could say or do anything Aunt came in.

"Good morning, lovebirds." We smiled at her, Ethan had his arm around me and both of us were now propped up on the headboard.I had my one hand on his chest. We were the definition of awkward.

"I made breakfast so freshen up and come down, quickly."

The moment she left the room, we scurried away from each other.

Ethan cleared his throat,"I'll go freshen up." I nodded at him.


I came downstairs, wearing my favourite white sundress. I was skipping around, I don't know why I felt so happy today.

I got in a chair at the dining table, everyone except Asher and Ethan was already there. Both of them were workaholics. I served myself waffles along with chocolate syrup.

With the first bite , I moaned involuntarily.Aunt Eden's waffles were to die for.When I opened my eyes I saw Ethan looking at me incredulously. I immediately regretted my actions.

He was wearing an ash coloured V-neck with dark wash jeans and smiled at me in curiosity.

"Ethan, come have a seat" Aunty said pointing towards the empty chair beside me.

"No" I said as I kept a hand there.Last night was already embarrassing plus he heard me moaning right now, I cannot let him sit beside me.

She looked at me baffled.

"I mean that I was saving this place for Emilia , so..."

"Pish-posh , I've already made myself comfortable here Skylar." Em chirped in a fake British accent. I glared at her.

"Sky, let Ethan sit there." Aunty said in an authoritative tone.

I deflated and reluctantly removed my hand and Ethan took a seat. He had the audacity to press his lips together so as to prevent him from laughing.

We had breakfast in peace, with everyone laughing and chatting.  Asher and Ethan left for work. It was a Saturday so I had a day off. I went off to shopping with Emilia and Ava.

I was currently at our favourite boutique, looking around.

"Em, Sky, quick tell me how do I look in this?" Ava stood right outside the trial room in a beautiful satin top.

Em whistled, "You look bomb."

"Yeah, Ava you look really good in that." I fanned myself for exaggeration.She giggled and went back in.She has been happier than ever since she started dating Asher. I could see the twinkle in her eyes and her little giggles in everything. But it felt like she tried to hide it from me , like she didn't want to rub it in my face. She's got something I don't. Emilia hadn't been talking much about Chris, her boyfriend, either. 

"Are you still here?" Em knocked her knuckles on my head. Ouch.

"Yeah, yeah." I rubbed my forehead.

"Don't you want something for the club tonight?"

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