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For as long as Shinso could remember, Denki had been his best friend. They did everything together outside of exiting the same womb. Went to the same school, participated in the same clubs, and had the same group of friends. So, to him, it was completely natural that Denki would be his first and only love. He'd tried to fall for others, he really did, but there was something loveable about this absolute dumbass that he couldn't avoid. Something painful too, because every time Denki's hand slung over his shoulder, or he rested his head in his lap, or Denki felt comfortable enough to sleep half-naked around him...his heart died a little bit. 

"Damnit," Shinso muttered, putting a blanket over Denki's sprawled-out body (on his bed, no less). "What did I do in my previous life to deserve this kind of torture?" Denki shifted and grabbed Shinso's waist. He clung to him. "Denki..." Shinso grabbed his wrists and tried to pull him off but it was no use. Once he got in the koala pose he never let go until he woke up. 

Shinso climbed onto his bed and plopped down, Denki cuddled up next to him and clung tighter. "Seriously...what was my past life like?" 

"Shin..." Denki muttered, nuzzling his face into Shinso's armpit. His hair tickled against his neck. 


"I think I have a crush on Kyouka..." Shinso's entire world shattered before his very eyes. Right. Of course. His straight best friend was obviously going to have a crush on a girl eventually. Ahaha. Haha. What was he thinking? That he could monopolize him for the rest of his life? That maybe one day Denki would return his feelings if he just waited patiently enough? Shinso tried not to cry. He choked up and bit his lower lip. Why was Denki sleeptalking about this? Of all things. 

"Is that so?" he muttered. 

"Will you help me confess..." 

"Of course," Shinso wiped away the tear threatening to fall. "That's what friends do..." 


Denki woke up hugging Shinso as usual. He yawned and sat up. He didn't remember what he said but the moment he moved, Shinso opened his eyes. "You're awake?" 

"Yeah...did I...say anything?" Denki scratched his neck and laughed awkwardly. 

"Kyouka, huh?" Shinso stared up at the ceiling, avoiding eye contact at all costs. 

"Oh shit! I did say something!" Denki grabbed Shinso's shoulders and shook him. "You have to forget about it!" 

"You asked me to help you confess though," Shinso's brain rattled in his skull as Denki continued to shake him. "Don't you want a girlfriend? You've been complaining about it quite a bit...being single." 

"What if she rejects me?" Denki whined. 

"You won't know unless you try..." Shinso sighed. But, in his case, he couldn't even do that. Denki's reaction to the boyfriend trio was shocking enough. Although, Shinso never clarified if he was shocked about the three people dating or if he was slightly homophobic. Maybe he should do that now and properly crush his own heart. 

"Hey..." Shinso began, glancing away, not sure how to ask this. 

"What?" Denki crossed his legs on the bed and tilted his head. 

"What do you think about...Shouto, Izuku, and Bakugo?" he asked, not sure how else to phrase it. 

"Lucky them to have two partners when I can't even get one," Denki whined again. "I could never date a guy though," Denki shook his head, waving his hand in the air, "it's impossible. I wouldn't even know where to begin and I've never found a guy attractive so..." Denki shrugged casually as Shinso's heart was torn into further pieces. "Why are you asking me about those guys anyway?" 

"I..." Shinso looked at his hands. "Denki," he looked up, serious, "I'm-" Images of Denki's horrified expression flashed into his mind. Or worse, maybe Denki would go the 'so do you like me then?' and feel awkward around him. Shinso closed his mouth, keeping it to himself. 

"You're what?" 

"Nevermind," Shinso smiled. "It's nothing, forget about it." 

"It doesn't sound like nothing," Denki leaned forward. "You can tell me, I promise." 

"Really, forget about it," Shinso insisted.

"Okay..." Denki whispered. "If you say so..." 

"So, about Kyouka..." Shinso changed the subject. "How are you planning on confessing?" Denki's eyes lit up as he went on and on for hours about all of the different ways he'd thought of. Shinso smiled, plastering the grin on his face, trying not to think about it too much...the pain in his chest. 

To Be Devoted Like a Yellow Rose [Roses are Red, Violets are...Purple? Part 3]Where stories live. Discover now