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"Excuse me..." Shinso turned around to see a girl holding the back of his shirt. "C-can you uhm...give me a dollar?" Upon closer inspection, he realized she was covered in dirt and had holes in her clothes. Was she even wearing shoes? 

Shinso knelt down to eye-level and held her hands. "Are you hungry? What do you want to eat?" 

She stared at him, a bit confused, "You're not going to ask me where my parents are?" 

"Do you want me to?" 

"I want a burrito." 

"Let's get a burrito," Shinso stood up and continued holding her hand as he walked toward the burrito place. 


She shoved the burrito into her mouth. "You don't have to eat it quickly," Shinso assured. "I have time. What's your name? I'm Shinso." 

"Eri..." she muttered between mouthfuls. "Just 'Eri'."

"Nice to meet you, Eri," Shinso smiled and looked at his phone. He did a quick google search. Nothing came up. It was like she didn't exist. And then he found it. The one news article posted six months ago. Family got into a car crash, miles from here. Six months? Damn. No relatives nearby. How did she not get caught by child services or something? 

"Can you please take your small trash-smelling child and leave the residence? I'm going to have to clean that spot for like twenty minutes," one of the workers, wearing a black mask, and had really long eyelashes, spoke. 

"Ever hear of customer service?" Shinso frowned. 

"When the burritos here taste the way they do, I'm allowed to be a bitch to customers," he crossed his arms. "Besides, some people enjoy it," he gestured to a table of people about to ask him something only to get bitch slapped with words. "Just leave within the next ten minutes," he sighed and walked away. 

"I'm sorry," Eri apologized, standing up. 

"It's okay, he is always like that...you can take your time." 

Eri sat back down and finished her burrito then stood up again. "Thank you." 

"This is going to sound very creepy but would you like to come home with me? I'll get you some clothes and you can take a proper shower." 

"Do you have bubble bath soap?" 

"No," Shinso pointed. "But we can fix that." 


"What is that?" Shota pointed to Eri. 

"This, is a child, possibly a young teen," Shinso gestured. 

"Why did you abduct a child?" Shota frowned. 

"I didn't abduct a child, per se," Shinso smiled. 

"Aren't we too young to be parents?" Denki poked his head out from the door to Shinso's room. 

"Alright, well, Eri," Shinso grabbed her shoulders and directed her to the bathroom. "Have a ball." He closed the bathroom door and turned around. 

"So, why do we have a daughter?" Denki asked, stepping out of the room. 

"Wait, is Present Mic not here anymore?" Shinso looked around. 

"He doesn't live here..." Shota stated, crossing his arms. "We're not-" 

"In a relationship, right we know," Shinso sighed. "But, Denki writes fanfiction-" 

"I do no-!" 

Shinso stared at him for a minute too long. "Do you really?" Shota asked. 

"Maybe a bit," Denki laughed awkwardly. 

"What?" Shota wasn't sure how to respond to that. 

"I also might post them for thousands of strangers to read on the internet but no big deal I changed the names!" Denki admitted. 

"No big deal?" Shota crossed his arms and took a step back. "Yeah, I just love that you're using my entire life as fuel for fanfiction." 

"So it's fine?" Denki scratched his neck.

"No," Shota grabbed his coat and left. 

"Do you think he'll get over it eventually?" Denki winced as the door slammed shut. 

"Maybe, if he ever actually asks Present Mic out," Shinso shrugged. 

"Will he?" Denki looked hopeful. 

"Denki, come here," Shinso gestured and Denki came closer. He grabbed his shoulder and pulled him into a hug then ruffled his head. "No, absolutely not, he is way too much of an idiot to make the first move. Where do you think I get it from?" 

"Shinso?" Denki looked up at him. 


"Can you kiss me?" Denki blinked and then glanced away. 

"Why are you asking me like you just stole my pudding cup?"

"I, uhm, maybe did?" Denki laughed awkwardly. 

"I guess I'll have to take it back," Shinso placed his hand on his cheek and kissed him, pushing him up against the wall. Denki giggled into the kiss and then they both heard the bathroom doorhandle shift. 

"Why does this always happen to us?" Shinso muttered, stepping back. 

"You mean why do we always get caught?" Denki snickered. 

"Are you gay?" Eri pointed. She was wearing an old t-shirt of Shinso's. 

"Yes," he replied. 

"I'm bi, actually, I think," Denki said. 


"Is that okay?" Shinso asked. 

Eri rushed forward and hugged both of them. "Mhmm. Now I know why you're so nice." 

"What's that mean?" Shinso felt a wave of concern wash over him. 

"Adults are scary. Always want something from me...so I run." 

"You don't have to run anymore," Shinso assured. 

"Thank you."  

To Be Devoted Like a Yellow Rose [Roses are Red, Violets are...Purple? Part 3]Where stories live. Discover now