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"How did we end up being the ones going out on a date?" Shota muttered, shoving his hands into his pockets. 

"Sorry about this," Hizashi apologized. "I offered to cook but I didn't realize you didn't have anything in your fridge..." 

"It's fine..." Shota shrugged it off. 

"I could've gone by myself you didn't have to-" 

"It's fine," Shota repeated, with slightly more force. 

"Right, well, I'm still sorry..." Hizashi wandered the aisles of the food store looking for the things he needed. He tripped over a can of something or other that had fallen and fell back. Shota caught him. 

"Are you okay?" Hizashi looked up at Shota. 

"You're the one that fell why are you asking me?" 

"Aha, right..." Hizashi tried to stand up again but then only fell into Shota further. "Sorr-" 

"Stop apologizing so much," Shota helped Hizashi stand up properly. 

Someone coughed behind them and the two turned to see the principal of the school Shota used to work at (that Hizashi still did work at). "Don't you think you should refrain from such activities in public, Mr. Aizawa?" 

"Excuse me?" Shota crossed his arms. 

"Such indecency should not be tolerated in public spheres," he frowned. "What you do, if you must, should be done from the privacy of your own home." 

"Listen here you snot-nosed rich bastard," Hizashi stepped in front of Shota and pointed at the principal's chest. "Maybe start acting like a decent human being before opening that mouth of yours. It's not indecent to be in a same-sex relationship or exhibit public signs of affection! And if you had your head out of your ass for two seconds maybe you'd be able to see that he just kept me from falling!" 

"Well I never-"

"That's right! You never think about anything other than yourself and your stupid outdated values. Do you ever think about the people you've scarred for life by kissing in public? I doubt it, so shut the flying fuck up!" Hizashi grabbed Shota's hand and stormed off and out of the building. 

"Oh shit," Hizashi held his face in his hands and sat down in the center of the sidewalk. "I'm totally not going to have a job..." 

"Thanks," Shota scratched his arm, not really sure what to say. 

"You're welcome," Hizashi smiled and looked up. "Oh- we didn't get the ingredients either!" He grabbed Shota's hand again and dragged him in another direction. "I know another place, let's go before they close!" Shota stared at his hand and then up at Hizashi. He felt stupid for thinking about it so much but...

"You're really something," Shota spoke quietly, smiling a bit. 


"They'll probably be gone for a while, huh?" Denki rested his head against Shinso's shoulder. 


"So..." Denki's face turned three shades redder. 

"Please don't do anything scandalous with me around," Tomura appeared behind the couch, eating an already half-eaten bag of chips. 

"Why are you still here?!" Denki jumped up and sat on the furthest end of the couch away from Shinso. 

"Someone said something about cooking and I thought I'd invite myself for the meal," Tomura replied, eating another handful of chips. 

"Don't you have a boyfriend or something to go home to?" Shinso sighed, resting his head on his hand, leaning up against the armrest of the couch. 

"He is working." 

"Shouldn't you be working?" Shinso muttered. 

"I was working until someone asked me for an autograph. And now I'm here. And now you're stuck with me until I get food," Tomura smirked. 

"I think they're back..." Denki walked over to the window and stared out. Yep. They were walking toward the door now with their hands full. "Should we help them?" 

"Yes, by all means, let's be decent human beings and help people with their hands full..." Tomura threw away the bag and rinsed off his hands. He opened the door and exited to assist. 

"He makes it sound like such a bad thing," Denki chuckled awkwardly. 

"Maybe it is a bad thing. I'm going to be the delinquent human being," Shinso fell sideways onto the couch and closed his eyes. 

"Uhm, so, Shinso," Denki grabbed the back of the couch and leaned over to stare down at Shinso. 

"What?" he opened his eyes. 

"Do you maybe, uhm, want to...go on a d-date?" 

"Why are you getting so embarrassed?" Shinso's ears turned red. "You're making me self-conscious..." 

"Cause it's embarrassing!" Denki huffed. 

"We've gone plenty of places together before. Why are you so embarrassed now?" 

"Cause- that's because..." Denki huffed and lightly tapped Shinso's head with punches continuously. "Shinso you baka!" 

"Can you two stop flirting for like three minutes? You're making me want to gag," Tomura said, sitting on the floor. 

"Don't you have places to be?" Shinso sat up, crossing his arms. 

"We've been over this. I want food. You have food. I'm staying to eat the food. Plus, Present Mic is here so shut up." 

"Do you want to invite that Dabi cosplayer too? You're dating, right?" Hizashi asked, smiling. 

"He is working but I'll let him know anyway," Tomura took out his phone. 

"Oh, wait, this isn't where I live and I'm inviting people," Hizashi forced a laugh and glanced at Shota. 

"As long as I'm not the one cleaning up, I really don't care," Shota shrugged. 

To Be Devoted Like a Yellow Rose [Roses are Red, Violets are...Purple? Part 3]Where stories live. Discover now