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Shota groaned, sitting up in his bed. He didn't remember crawling into it. He felt pressure on his waist and looked down to see Hizashi hugging him...wearing little clothing. He looked down at himself and realized that he, too, was not wearing anything significant. 

"Haha hahahaha...."  Shota laughed awkwardly to himself. "Surely I would've remembered something like that right? I didn't even get drunk..." Shota shook his head and carefully removed Hizashi's arm...or tried to but he clung more. 

"Mnngh," Hizashi's eyebrows furrowed as he held Shota tightly. 

"What am I supposed to do about this?" Shota muttered, lying back down. Hizashi shifted, getting more comfortable, and his face relaxed. Shota found himself drifting off into another session of sleep.


"I've never seen your dad sleep so peacefully before," Denki muttered to Shinso. 

"Neither have I, to be honest." 

"How do you wake him up?" Hizashi whispered. 

"Kiss him, I'm sure that'll work," Shinso winked, giving him a thumbs up. 


Shota's eyelid twitched. That statement alone seemed to wake him up. He sat up in his bed and glared at the trio at the door. 

"Move, move," Shinso and Denki both pushed Hizashi out of the way as the zombie moved toward the kitchen. 

"You don't want to talk to him until he has had at least three cups of coffee," Shinso clarified. 

"Otherwise he is likely to commit murder," Denki nodded in agreement. 

Shota started the coffee maker and watched it, his brain not connecting all of the dots yet. The water promptly boiled and the machine released the bitter caffeinated beverage for consumption. Shota stared at the pot, not even interested in pouring it into a mug, and just drank it from the pot itself. After drinking about half the pot, his brain started working and he spat coffee all over the counter. 

"Why the fuck is he still here?!" Shota blurted out, snapping his head in the direction of the trio (now standing in the doorway of the kitchen to witness the zombie come to life). 

"He got worried about you falling asleep and ended up staying to make sure you were okay," Shinso explained. 

"That doesn't explain why he was in my bed!" Shota pointed. 

"Oh," Denki smirked, hiding his mouth behind his hand. "Well, I told him you didn't like people sleeping on the couch and would rather he share the bed instead." 

"You little shit!" 

"Did I do something wrong?" Hizashi stiffened. 

"Don't worry about it," Shota calmed down slightly to answer with a forced smile, but promptly stormed across the kitchen to grab the ears of Shinso and Denki. "I'm going to murder you two one day," he muttered, tugging on an ear attached to each of them. 

"Ow, ow, ow," Denki winced. 

"Let go already!" Shinso pleaded. His phone vibrated in his pocket so he pulled it out, even though Shota was still interested in tearing off his ear. "Looks like that cosplayer fanatic wants me to edit some photos for him..." 

"I didn't know you two were close..." Denki said. 

"We aren't, not really, but ever since the one thing he thinks I'm pretty handy with photoshop," Shinso scratched his neck. 

"But you are pretty handy with photoshop," Denki pointed. 

"I'm not a professional or anything-" 

"But is he paying you?" Denki crossed his arms. 

"A bit, yeah," Shinso shrugged.

"So that makes you a professional then," Denki smiled, giving him a thumbs up. 

"Cosplay fanatic?" Hizashi stared. 

"TheOfficialTenkoShimura," Shinso replied. 

"Oh." Hizashi's eyes lit up. "My. God. You know him?" Hizashi grabbed Shinso's shoulders and shook him lightly from excitement. "Can you ask him for an autograph?!" 

"You're a fan?" Shinso's eyes nearly rolled back into his head from all of the shaking. 

"I love his channel!" 

"Okay, I'll ask..." 

Shinso: Can I have an autograph? 

Tomura: ...Why? I didn't think you were a fan...

Shinso: Present Mic wants an autograph

Tomura Shigaraki is typing

"Eh?" Shinso stared at his phone. "He keeps typing and then stopping." 

"Is that a no?" Hizashi sighed, slightly disappointed. 

The front door to the Aizawa residence was kicked open. "Since when do you know Present Mic?!" Tomura grabbed his knees and panted, having run all the way here. 

"Since," Shinso stared at his phone. "Yesterday at about 5?" 

Tomura stood up and placed his hands on his hips, finally catching his breath. Denki pointed to Hizashi. "This is Present Mic," he announced, then pointed to Tomura. "That's TheOfficial-" 

"Oh my god!" HIzashi squealed. 

"Aren't you a bit too old to be this excited?" Shota needed another cup of coffee. 

"You're never too old to be excited about meeting a talented famous person!" Hizashi huffed. 

Tomura walked (at a slightly fast pace) over to Hizashi and grabbed his hand. "Do you want to collab?" he asked, with utmost seriousness, almost as if asking him to get married. 

Hizashi's face lit up, and he gasped, almost crying. "Absolutely!" 

And the two hugged and lived happily ever after...

"I'll never understand this generation..." Shota sighed, sinking to the floor and lying down. 

"Present Mic is your ag-" 

"Shut up," Shota raised his hand and pointed at Shinso. "I don't need to hear anything else from you, thanks." 

"So, when are you two going out on a date?" Denki grinned, snickering slightly. 

"When are you two going out on a date?" Shota moved his head to look up at Denki from the ground. 

"Ehhh?" Denki's face flushed. 

"We've done more than-" Shinso's mouth was covered by Denki's hand. 

"Shut up! Some things are more flustering than others!" 

"Yeah, like when you read smut in public versus reading fluff," Tomura joined in on this conversation. 

"You read fanfiction?" Denki blinked, still holding Shinso's face. 

"I spend all my time making videos about cosplay and watching anime do you really think I wouldn't read fanfiction too?" Tomura crossed his arms, slightly disappointed. 

"Fair..." Denki nodded. 

To Be Devoted Like a Yellow Rose [Roses are Red, Violets are...Purple? Part 3]Where stories live. Discover now