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"Do you know any blondes?" Denki asked absentmindedly while drinking his soda from this damn good burrito place. 

"Blondes?" Eijirou closed his eyes for a moment. "Bakugo?" he tried to think harder. "I don't think there are any blonde chicks that I know if that's what you're asking...Mina has pink hair but I can't remember what her original hair color is." 

"Shinso has a crush on someone but he won't tell me who..." Denki sighed, resting his head against the table. It was cold over here.

"Denki..." Eijirou sighed in disappointment. "You're blonde. Like a proper blonde you're such a dumb blonde sometimes," he sighed again. 

"Huh?" Denki lifted his eyes so only his chin was resting on the table. "Wait..." Denki's face flushed. "Are you saying I'm the blonde Shinso likes?" 

Eijirou really wanted to slap the shit out of Denki right now. It was really obvious to everyone except the man himself. What the fuck did Shinso see in this idiot? "D.E.N.K.I." Eijirou leaned over the table and grabbed his cheeks, stretching them as far as he could. 

"If you two could refrain from being so loud, that would be great," Kai, one of the workers here, shot a glare as he cleaned the table. 

"Sorry," Eijirou let go and sat back down properly. 

"Are you sure Shinso likes me?" Denki didn't want to get his hopes up. "We've been best friends for forever wouldn't that ruin our friendship?" 

"Well, gee, if I had a best friend I was crushing on for my entire life I probably wouldn't even tell him I was gay because what if we lost our relationship due to that? If he didn't like me back then he'd always be thinking about my lecherous gay eyes on his body and that would make him uncomfortable, wouldn't it?" Eijirou spoke deadpanned, trying to get this through Denki's head. He hadn't been told the situation in so many words but he could guess just by how much of an idiot this one was.  

"So, he didn't want to tell me...because he likes me?" Denki wasn't sure he could believe that. Denki briefly thought about the comment Shinso made the day before. "Are you sure he doesn't like Bakugo? Those two have gotten close recently..." Denki sighed. Denki immediately sat up. "What if he does want to join that trio's relationship?" 

"I don't think Shins-" before Eijirou could finish his sentence, the trio of boyfriends + Shinso entered the burrito place. Shinso's arm was draped over Bakugo's shoulder, he was ruffling his hair and calling him an idiot while the blonde blushed slightly. 

"Don't tease him too much, he is sensitive," Izuku chuckled. 

"I'll try not to-" Shinso made eye contact with Denki and waved. Denki stared, in complete shock, and gestured. 

"See," he whispered to Eijirou. 

"Why does it matter to you so much?" Eijirou took another bite of his burrito. "Do you like Shinso or something?" he asked more to try and help Shinso out more than anything but Denki's bright red face told him all he needed to know. "Oh my fucking go-" Eijirou dropped his heavenly wrapped goodness (the burrito). 

"Shut up!" Denki glanced furiously from Eijirou to Shinso, hoping he didn't hear. 

"Is it okay if we sit here?" Izuku walked over to their table and asked on behalf of the quartet that just entered. Shinso and Bakugo had gone to order but Shinso wasn't giving up on teasing him about something. Denki tried not to keep looking at them but his jealousy was not being reined in. 

"Huh? Yeah, sure," he kept glancing back to Shinso. Denki scooted over, as did Eijirou. 

Izuku and Shouto sat together in Denki's booth leaving space for Bakugo and Shinso on Kirishima's side. "Are you okay with Shinso now? Did you two stop fighting?" Izuku asked. 

"Yeah, well no, I don't know," Denki sighed, resting his chin on his hand. 

"This idiot likes the other slightly more intelligent idiot but the two don't know they like each other and it's causing issues," Eijirou explained, leaning forward to quietly whisper to Izuku and Shouto. "He thinks Shinso is trying to enter your poly relationship..." 

"He wha-" Izuku almost blurted out but Shouto covered his mouth. 

Shouto leaned forward so he could stare at Denki instead of trying to look through Izuku. And instead of discrediting it, he remembered what Shinso did for Bakugo (See Roses are Red Violets are...Purple for more information) and...completely deadpanned...said: "We were thinking of asking Shinso out actually." 

"We wh-" Izuku was silenced with a look from Shouto. 

"You've known him the longest so can you tell us what he likes?" Shouto continued. "Or...is there a reason you'd be against him joining our relationship?" 

Denki felt as if an arrow just shot through his body in several directions. "Ahaha," Denki tried to laugh it off and smile. "I don't mind helping..." he was obviously lying and everyone there knew it. 

Shinso and Bakugo returned with the food and set it down. Shinso got into the booth first, scooting closer to Eijirou. He stared at Bakugo, still embarrassed from earlier, and smirked. "Are you going to sit next to me or do you want Eijirou and I to switch positions?" 

"Switch positions?" Denki and Bakugo's faces both flushed, imagining something less than pure. 

Shouto, feeling his devilish streak not disappearing, used his sitting closest to the end to his advantage. He moved his leg under the table and tripped Bakugo trying to move closer to the chair. Bakugo fell face-first into Shinso and because of Eijirou's shock he moved which led to the two kissing (more than Shouto had anticipated). 

"Kat," Izuku stood up, a dark aura emitting from him even though his face was smiling innocently, "how long are you going to stay like that?" 

Bakugo snapped out of his shock and tried to sit up, only falling again onto Shinso. Flustered, he continued to attempt to sit up. Shouto got out of the booth to free Izuku, who grabbed the back of his shirt collar (as well as Bakugo's) and dragged them away. "If you'll excuse us for a moment we have some talking to do..." Izuku continued smiling innocently, dragging them to the bathroom. 

"That really hurt," Shinso covered his mouth with his hand. He licked the front of his teeth and winced. "Are my gums bleeding?" He pointed to his mouth, asking Eijirou since he couldn't get a good read on Denki's mood. He was still looking down at the table, in what appeared to be a state of shock. When everything clicked into place, Denki looked up finally and forced a smile. 

"Good for you," he laughed awkwardly. "You got to live in a nice shoujo accident," he gave Shinso a thumbs up. Denki glanced at his phone and made up an excuse. "Oh, would you look at that, I forgot I had to...pick up a thing...from a place...so I'm going to...do that," Denki got up and walked out of the burrito place. 

"You might want to go after him," Eijirou sighed, wanting to slap these two idiots. "He thinks you like Bakugo since he is blonde..." 

"Shit," Shinso stood up and left (grabbing his burrito first, of course), running after Denki. 

To Be Devoted Like a Yellow Rose [Roses are Red, Violets are...Purple? Part 3]Where stories live. Discover now