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"Denki!" Shinso ran, trying to catch up. Denki almost decided to walk faster but he didn't. He allowed Shinso to grab his shoulder and turn him around. "I didn't kiss him on purpose." 

"It's okay, I saw, I know it was an accident," Denki muttered. "Bakugo is the one you like, right? And Shouto said they were thinking about asking you out too so it looks like everything worked out in the end, haha," he forced himself to laugh. 

"I properly broke up with Neito," Shinso said. 

"Why are you bringing that up?" 

"And even if I did like Bakugo, which I don't, would you really just let me join that relationship?" Shinso wanted an answer but he didn't know if he could handle it. Denki had always only been interested in girls, never thought twice about guys, but could he hope that maybe...? 

"I just want you to be happy..." Denki muttered. "Even if your happiness isn't with me, I want you to be happy," he started crying, and rubbed the tears away in a rush. They wouldn't stop so he kept trying to catch them before they fell. 

"Denki...?" Shinso wasn't sure he heard him properly or just imagined what he wanted to hear. "Do you like me...like that?" 

"I..." Denki froze, looking up at Shinso. "I-I do..." 

"Not just as friends? You're saying you seriously have feelings for me? Romantically? Sexually?" Shinso's mind spun in circles but he refused to get his hopes up. Did he just start fantasizing about same-sex relationships after finding out Shinso was gay? Does he actually- could he really-? 

Denki stared at Shinso's processing face and sighed. He grabbed Shinso's hand and dragged him back to his house, all the way up to his room. He pushed Shinso's shoulders down to make him sit in his desk chair. Denki stared at him, he could almost see the loading bar over his head. And people called Denki dense. 

"I'd never really thought about liking guys or anything because I'd assumed you'd always be there. We've never had a time when we weren't friends so I got used to expecting it. But then you started dating Neito and I got jealous and confused and hurt and I don't know," Denki folded his hands and sat on his bed. "I like you Shinso. I don't want you to date anyone else." 

Tears started falling out of Shinso's eyes. He didn't notice it himself until Denki said something. "You're crying? Oh my god! Why?" Denki stood up and tried to wipe away Shinso's tears. "Are you okay?" 

Shinso put his hand on Denki's back and pushed him onto his lap. He used his other hand to push Denki's face close to his and then he kissed him. Denki hadn't really kissed anyone before. When he was with Kyouka the two had only really held hands and kissed each other's cheeks. There was a strange disconnect between them even though Denki was sure he had feelings for her. That feeling didn't exist around Shinso. Denki wanted the kiss to go further, more intimate, but he pushed Shinso away regardless. 

"W-wait...you still haven't given me an answer." 

"Denki..." Shinso's eyes never really stopped watering. "I've always only ever loved you." 

The chain of self-restraint snapped in Denki. He grabbed Shinso's face and kissed him again, forcing his tongue into his mouth and deep into his throat. He didn't know how to kiss like this. Hadn't had any practice. He was just doing what he felt was right and trying to get Shinso's stoic expression to change for once. It worked. A light shade of pink soon came to Shinso's cheeks and saliva dripped down his chin. 

To Be Devoted Like a Yellow Rose [Roses are Red, Violets are...Purple? Part 3]Where stories live. Discover now