Tales SMP(Book 4):The masquerade

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Karl's visit

Karl arrived in front of the mansion and met Sir Billiam III, a rich man who owned said mansion and was the host of an oncoming Masquerade ball. Billiam did not recognize Karl and assumed he was a commoner and asked what his occupation was. Karl replied that he was a Minecraft streamer much to Billiam's delight, who proceeded to give Karl a tour of the mansion.

Billiam toured Karl around the second floor, meeting up with his own unnamed Butler on the way. They toured the guest bedroom, an overview area of the ballroom area, the dining hall, the balcony, the aquarium, and multiple libraries. Karl asked Billiam why the third and last library had two identical paintings of a spider next to eachother, Billiam quickly deflected the question.

Billiam and Karl made their way to the ballroom area and drank some wine delivered by the Butler. Billiam often commented that the Butler was slow, threatening to punish him by forbidding him to eat for a week.

The Guests' Arrival

They returned to the main area and awaited the arrival of some of the Masquerade guests. First to arrive was Oliver another rich old man with a frail voice. Billiam seemed wary of his visit but greeted him anyway. Next to arrive was Lord Sebastian, a close acquaintance to Sir Billiam. As they were about to leave to the Ballroom, another guest named James entered and requested some drinks. Billiam asked him about his family, James replying that he had been divorced and his wife had taken custody of their children. Billiam was stunned by this news, saying that James is not an easy person to talk to as he only spoke in short sentences and the conversation seemed stilted and awkward.

Karl got trapped inside the piano just as another guest arrived, introducing herself as Lyaria, a close friend of Billiam. Lyaria and Karl had an awkward introduction as he was trapped in a piano, and she didn't like the fact he was a minecraft streamer, however she immediately tried to be nice to him the moment Billiam told her that Karl was a billionaire. They immediately struck up a conversation with each other.

Another uninvited visitor arrived and introduced himself as Drew P. Weiner. Billiam ordered the Butler to get rid of the commoner. Drew claimed that he was here for the nudist party, Billiam telling him that he was at the wrong address and the actual address was three blocks down. Drew commented that the location was far from any neighboring estates and decided to stay in the mansion instead. The other guests' weren't fond of the idea, but Karl pointed out that since the usual butler (Who would've been Dream) was ill, Drew could help Butler with his chores.

The Ballroom

They arrived in the ballroom area and had a few drinks, while Billiam was also trying to poison and kill Drew. Drew got drunk and angry for being called poor causing everyone to try and hide from him. Karl noticed Lyaria crawl into one of the vents in the wall and disappear for a few seconds before crawling back out once Drew had calmed down.

They played a bit of "Duck, Duck, Goose". Drew P Weiner was unincluded from the game due to Lyaria and Oliver refusing to come into contact with a poor person. After a few rounds, Karl exclaimed that he was tired of playing the game. The lights suddenly went out and the group panicked and scattered around the mansion.

The Murders

Karl hid under some crates, where he saw someone pass by with a sword. The murderer walked away from Karl's hiding spot and Karl was relieved. The lights suddenly turned back on and the group met up at the piano. Most of the group made it except for Drew and Lyaria. After a few moments of panic, Lyaria arrived late. They noticed Drew was missing, so the group split up to try and find him. They went to the grand library and found a secret passageway around the back of the bookshelves. Blood seeping through the shelves and they found Drew's head, the rest of his body nowhere to be found.

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