Tales SMP(Book 7):The pit

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Arriving in the empire

Karl arrived in the middle of a market in the Subbin Empire and immediately met Emperor Porkius VII (). The Emperor, looking for a cameraman, hired Karl and took him to the coliseum. Afterwards, both of them went down to the cellar to interview the gladiators and choose to competitors for the first fight.

Qualifying roundsFirst round

Emperor Porkius and Karl came across one of the first gladiators, Jackie (), who explained that he was brought into the competition from the streets against his will. Then, they met Laggius Maximus (), and Jackie and Laggius were directed to the elevators that would take them to the arena of the coliseum.

Porkius and Karl went to the royal box. On the way, Porkius explained that the last cameraman was executed for filming the entire event in portrait mode, giving Karl more of a reason to record this event nicely.

During the round, Karl filmed in the arena. Porkius summoned a tower in the middle of the arena, where Jackie and Laggius headed on top of to duel. Porkius then added lava and removed the tower, and Jackie won.

Second round

In the cellar, Karl and Porkius met Bartholomew (), who was drinking beer. They also spotted Watson () practicing at the shooting range. The two were directed to the elevators. On the way back to the stairs, the two also saw Jackie throwing up in the distance, as he had drunk some of Bartholomew's beer. Karl asked Porkius whether this was legal, to which Porkius responded that the legal drinking age was 3.

During the round, Porkius slowed down movement in the arena, which caused Bartholomew and Watson to duel in a low-gravity-like environment and their arrows to fly very slowly. Bartholomew won and immediately asked for beer before attacking the pair. He was then sent back down to the cellar.

Third round

In the cellar, Karl and Porkius met Levi (). Levi described fighting in his past and stated that he was ready for battle. They then met John (), whom they dismissed instantly for having a "boring" name. Instead, they selected Genevieve () to fight against Levi, as she stated that she had been training for the event her entire life. She and Levi squared up before they were sent to the arena entrances.

During the round, Porkius conjured a water loop in the shape of an 8 for the two to duel in and replaced the floor with lava. Genevieve won the duel.

Fourth round

In the cellar, Karl and Porkius realized that they had an odd number of contestants. They met Ran () and decided to give him a bye for having a cool name. They then met Edward (), whom they selected for the next duel. Karl and Porkius encountered John again and mocked him for his name some more before Porkius used a royal decree to change John's name to Ugly. Karl suggested the name "Handsome", but his suggestion was ultimately dismissed. Ugly was then chosen to fight against Edward.

During the round, Porkius filled the arena with rabbits before flooding the arena and demanding a boat battle. Eventually, after both had fired many arrows, Ugly won against Edward and took the final spot in the semi-final rounds.

Semi-final rounds

Before the next round of fights, Karl suggested that they get a story from all the competitors, so they sat those that were into the next round, around the table. They found Ugly sitting in the corner, and after deciding that Ugly was too harsh of a name to become of a general, they rename him to "Grievous," whilst those that hadn't won cleared the table and left.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2021 ⏰

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