Chapter III

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   Yeah, so the uh whole way to one of the cities was pretty boring. Well, one of the reasons why we moved to a city was because of the demons. The other was because I have to go to a magic academy. The is specific magic academy has a magic swordsman club that trains its members how to efficiently use a sword and magic together.

  So yeah, welcome to Merlock Academy located in Zelena. This place is known to grow large quantities of spearmint. Spearmint is a culinary herb that seems to have a great effect in mana potions. I don't know what it does but it exists. It also produces a large number of powerful mages for The Kingdom of Durandal.

   However, because of spearmint, this place is quite prosperous meaning that it's covered with nobles. Zelena is also known as the Noble City to some because of all the nobles who reside here to accumulate wealth from growing spearmint and selling it, either that or because it's more beautiful.

"Please stop and show identification." A guardsman stopped us, he was wearing yellow and white armor the nation colors of Durandal. I was sitting with the coachman just relaxing when my father pulled out his adventurer's plate.

Okay, so the adventurer's plate is a smartphone. It's 6.8 inches tall and can hold up to 10 items within it. It also holds all the information about the owner. It holds their criminal record, medals, and achievements. Achievements being marks with the creature's head on it. Dad showed me it and explained it to me the best he could. Mom explained it better.

   "Alright, I believe an Orange rank should be trustful!"


   "Yeah, they recently changed the way rankings work." The guard told my dad, I took that time to come out of the wagon.

   "What's the rankings?" I asked

   "Well, it's related colors"

   Alright, let me take over. This was the new way the adventurers guild rate adventurers now.

       Black - S to SSS rank
       Red - A to AA+ rank
       Orange - B to B+ rank
       Yellow - C rank
       Green - D rank
       Blue - E rank
       Purple - F rank
       White - H to G rank

   Speaking of which they rate the monsters the same thing. With these eight rankings, they can use their adventurer's plate to scan a monster to determine their ranking. It's a recent update to them to make things easier for people.

   Leaving that subject, we got into Zelena after every adventure got their plate updated. When you live in a village, a guild doesn't exist there. I can see another reason why it was called 'The Noble City.' Practically every building was made with white bricks, however, it also gave off a radiance of relaxation.

"Hey Alex, see those bricks? Their enchanted to emit the feeling of relaxation. Their also extremely blast resistant and magic resistant. The soldiers in the Durandal military have a different name for this place. The White Fortress."


"Another thing about this city is that the bro-" The male twin tried to speak until he was karate chopped right in the throat by his sister.

"Idiot not the right time nor the right company. Sorry kids, my brother is an idiot." The female twin was much more mature than her male counterpart.

"A-alright, let's go look for Ashley." It seems that dad was making sure to choose his words right.

"Who's Ashley?" My little sister asked.

"Ashley was one of the noble adventurers who was with our group. She's a talented mage who accompanied us and who's being kind enough to provide us a place to stay." My father said proudly.

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