Chapter V

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The registration was really quick, so I was in the courtyard almost right away after. I sat down and thought of what I was going to do for tomorrow. Since the tournament was going to happen the next day.

   I rolled over to the grass and relaxed on it, it was a bright sunny day. So relaxing... but now I need to explore what this Aura of Wrath ability is.

Aura of Wrath - Creates an intimidating aura of hate, anger, resentment, and spite. This aura will scare anything that has a WIL and STR stat lower than yours. This will not affect those with a low INT. Low WIL stat wielders can expect fear, urination, paralysis, and/or fainting. Uses MAG, STR, and Level to calculate how strong the aura is. This drains WIL from specific targets. Can be toggled on and off.

   I'm going to be honest with you, this was what I expected for this ability. I heard footsteps approaching me, my Detection Field went off and I sat myself up. I saw Ethan and his family, Ethan was still crying. The one that looked like his Father prostrated. "I'm sorry for the problem that my son caused."

  "It's fine, just stop spoiling your son and teach him to respect anyone he meets." I waved my hand as I laid back down.


   "I'm trying to think of how I should beat the other competitors in the tournament. You should have heard the warning, if I see him in it I won't hold back."

   "Y-yes, as punishment he will not be participating in the tournament. He will also avoid you if he sees you." I sighed and sat up.

   "He can approach me to duel and he doesn't have to avoid me if he learned his lesson." This made the nobleman nod, he went away after. How troublesome, hopefully, I don't run into that family again. Speaking of which, I had my Aura of Wrath on. I had turned it on as soon as I heard the footsteps.

   It must have affected his father quite a lot, he prostrated and everything. Must have shocked Ethan and his mother. Anyway, I checked his father's stats from my Detection Field. His WIL, STR, and VIT were quite on the low end.

   I got up and yawned loudly, closing my eyes as I did. Until I saw my parents looking at me with their jaw hanging open.

   "What?" I shouted at them. They must have been shocked that the nobleman prostrated as well. They walled over to me and I disabled Aura of Wrath.

   "That noble said he was going to punish you..." This came from my Father.

   "But he prostrated and apologized instead..." This came from my Mother.

   "I activated my new ability on him. Aura of Wrath quite powerful isn't it?"

"Wait... The Aura of Wrath is a powerful ability that only the Wrath demon bloodline can use." My mom stated.

"Yeah, well that man's son pissed me off and made me unlock and max out Intimidation extremely quickly. It evolved straight into that right after it."

After that, my parents left me alone. I'm just going to use Aura of Wrath and if my opponent stands I'll knock them down. Simple!

   I went into the house, Samuel following behind me and I ended up on the roof. Samuel was following me and was shocked. "How in the hell did we get on the roof!"

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